Going Nano

thanks guys...ill be waiting patienly for your visit fishbait and yote...plenty of room here, even for bows and arrows..hhehe...i use salt mix..cause i could contaminate my tank..its safer that way...but ive been told if i i can get a bucket from far it will be no risky...probably one of this days....
Looks great rigo. I think you need to come over here to design my tanks for my. Great job!
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nice i wish i could go to the ocean and pick up coralsbut i can go in my bacckyard and and get free snails for freshwater
im back in PR...here are some new pics...parameters are ok...cant wait to add some awsome corals soon!!

yep..your rigth freak..they are my favoryte also..but i want somting new..im gonna try some different corals soon..
Burned out on zoa's!! Thats crazy talk.LOL I dont think I could ever get burned out on them.
your rigth bobby..zoas are my favoryte too..my tanks are doing good ..temp is 80-79...parameters are good, ligthing is ok...so i was thinking like lethers and kenias, with some shrooms..to give some attitute to the tank..what do you think?
I have those in my tank and love them. Some poeple hate the kenya because they can reprocuce soo fast but mine just keeps growing and hasn't dropped any babys yet so I love them. I keep any softy I can get my hands on I love all softys not really into sps. I think they will look great though.
Cant wait to see the pics. One thing I could never get sick of is the pics of your tank. SOOOO BEAUTIFUL and always full of life. Cant wait.
my nano cube is going to be a mushroom/ricordea tank, i'll post some pics, starting to get some coral in it now, and DR. Rigo like the setup nice colors too.
thanks dfrench...i saw your nano..the rock arrangment looks awsome..dont forget those new pics..looking fordward to them..
I think those are good choices except for the Kenya.Yes,I never had any but Yote and Biff saved me alot of headache.Dfrench gave me an idea,Ricordeas are beautiful.Caribbean Ricordea should be reasonable in PR.Here,they think Rics are made of gold or something.