Getting started--what am I looking at here?

Well, I sure have learned alot in this short amount of time. I'm waiting until after the holiday season to get started, plus I get my license in a few days so it'll be easier to get everything.

Thanks so much guys. I'll post with more questions if they arise and/or with updates!
Forgot to mention... For the things I plan to buy online, is it ok if I post links on here asking if what the object in question is suitable for my tank and/or I'm getting it at the right price?
Forgot to mention... For the things I plan to buy online, is it ok if I post links on here asking if what the object in question is suitable for my tank and/or I'm getting it at the right price?

Yep,sure is.
Maybe we can help you save a little cash for more important things like corals.
Quick question. My tank is a 45g but is exactly 36in wide. If I'm aiming for 5 wpg, can I find fixtures like that? I checked Nova Extreme Pro because I really like their reviews, but they make a 20" which would give me 2 and some wpg, but their next size up is a 36" which would give me 5.2 wpg. Would a 36" fit on my tank if it's only 36" wide exactly?

The current regular light in there is only 24". What should I be aiming for here?
do you length, and if your tank is exactly 36 inches then yes the 36 inch fixture will fit perfectly, also the wpg rule doesnt apply to t-5 lighting plus the IR's in the pro give you almost triple the PAR output
also the wpg rule doesnt apply to t-5 lighting plus the IR's in the pro give you almost triple the PAR output

Okay you may or may not have understood a word of that. In case you didn't, I'll translate.

The watt per gallon "rule" is a loose generality. It's good to be in that ballpark, but T5 lights don't really follow that rule. You can get by with less watts per gallon with T5s than with other types of lighting.

IRs are individual reflectors. If you buy a T5 fixture that has individual reflectors it ups the amount of light going to your tank from anywhere from 2 to 3 times than if you don't have the individual reflectors. So when buying T5s look for that feature. That means you can get by using fewer bulbs.
slight thread jack, the tank i have has just a plain lighting fixture with room for 1 24 inch bulb, since im gonna have a FOWLR tank im not too worried about getting an expensive fixture, but what bulb shoud i get? a 10k?
Since the tanks 36" ,Get the 36" long fixture.That way the legs will fit the top of your tank and keep the dark spots down.
OK. Does anything go between the water and the bulbs? Because my current hood wouldn't work correctly. How do you guys cover your tanks with lights like this?
I like the top of my tank to be open.Mainly because it makes maintance easier.
If you want a canopy.Then you'll need to look into the retro-fit light kits.
I have a canopy.
There are disadvantages to it like excess heat from your lights being trapped. You can add fans to take care of this.
And depending on how it opens it can make maintenance tougher. I have to stand on a stool to do anything besides feed the fish or grab a water sample.
But I like the look so I put up with that stuff. To me it looks neater. And my tank is in my living room near the tv so when I'm sitting down I'm not looking up into the bright lights. I built my stand higher, too. I also don't need to worry about fish jumping out.

My lights are about 5-6" above the water surface with nothing protecting the bulbs so I'm getting some salt build up i try to brush off every so often.
if you have an open top you can get... i forget what its called but its like a plastic mesh you can cut to fit the top of your tank that will prevent fish from jumping out but will allow water to come through also. I know Biff had it i saw it on one of her posts.