Funny coral stories


NAAO President
Does anybody have any.

Jelly bought 5 tiny frags for $5 at the swap yesterday. We were rearanging everything and adding some base rock so the new corals would get enough light.I went to move one, small single xenia, and dind't realise it wasn't attached to the rock and the powerhead blew it off. I saw where it went but couldn't find it. A few minutes later I realised it was stuck to the intake on his skimmer pump. Put it back on a rock. Later that day....Jelly ended up dropping it 2 or 3 more times. Then I saw the perfect place for it, a pourus rock that had a hole right in top. I thought. it will sit there and attach. Iplaced it in the hole, went to do somthing else and turned just in time to see it disappear into the hole. We both just started laughing.
I've lost a small piece of xenia before like that too. They just shrivel up when you touch them, mine ended up being blown around the tank for a while and then disappeared in the sand somewhere... It never did reappear. That was like 8 months ago too. Who knows, when I go to move my rocks around the next time I may find this giant piece of xenia in the back somewhere. Who knows what lives in the back of my tank! I did buy a nice softball sized clump of xenia from my LFS today. It was on sale, so I got a really good deal ($5!!!). Doing well so far.
yes it was funny but then again it wasnt it was a blue I found one and bought it on accident and then jerm played copperfield with it and made it dissapear.
Ooooh a blue one. I've never seen one of those. My husband saw pictures of blue xenia in one of my books last night and said, "How come we only see the pink ones at the LFS??".
What ever you do,dont use chem-clean with the blue xenia. I bought some blue from bermuda ( first coral I bought) and it did great.Right up untill I had my first cyno outbreak. I used chem-clean to kill the cyno , Well long story short.My blue xenia went away right along side the cyno.