Fragging Riccordeas?

I'd like to know how the rics have done!!! I picked up a beautiful blue-purple ric with SIX neon green mouths yesterday from my LFS. When full, it stretches a good 4 inches. I would like to frag it.
The rics were doing just fine. The fragging was that simple. Just cut inbetween the mouths, and you should be fine. Within a few days to a week both frags looked as if they had always been two distinct circular complete rics.

*A warning, though. Don't use a fish breeder as I did for allowing the ric to attach to a frag plug. I left the breeder in my tank for about 2 weeks to let the ric attach to the plug. When I took the breeder out a few days ago, ammonia was released into my tank, and I've now lost most of my corals and a lot of my non-coral inverts. Now the rics look like hell (and most everything else), but up until a few days they were perfect...

Good luck!
The rics were doing just fine. The fragging was that simple. Just cut inbetween the mouths, and you should be fine. Within a few days to a week both frags looked as if they had always been two distinct circular complete rics.

*A warning, though. Don't use a fish breeder as I did for allowing the ric to attach to a frag plug. I left the breeder in my tank for about 2 weeks to let the ric attach to the plug. When I took the breeder out a few days ago, ammonia was released into my tank, and I've now lost most of my corals and a lot of my non-coral inverts. Now the rics look like hell (and most everything else), but up until a few days they were perfect...

Good luck!

Samantha glad to hear the rics are ok. I couldn't believe I got one with 6 mouths lol for 10 bucks!!!
I've only fragged zoas and gsp up til now. What I used for them was a small shallow Tupperware bowl with a piece of fruit netting over it on the floor of my tank. It worked very well. I'm going to do the same for the ric frags
why did it release ammonia when you took out the breeder box?

I'm sorry. I completely missed your question! I believe that the ammonia just got trapped between the breeder and the sandbed while it sat there for 2 weeks. When I removed the breeder, a nasty cloudy water mixture was released which had to have been the ammonia...