Frag Tank--FINALLY!!!


First pic:
(3 10000k bulbs) (1 4500k bulb) (2 actinics 420)

New bulbs today.

Second pic:
(1 10000k) (1 6500k) (2 actinics 420) (2 actinics 450)

Third pic:
(1 10000k) (3 actinics 420) (2 actinics 450)`


Same color, different angle. This is actually what it looks like. The lens on my camera makes it look REALLY blue. It doesn't look that blue to my eyes.
I've been reading a bunch of stuff about PAR ratings. I am getting that MH puts out higher pinpoint PAR, while T5 and PC put out less PAR, but they have a better spread. Not so pinpointed or focused as the MH seam to be.

I'll accept that. Seams to be the opinion of 90% of reefers.

But what about PAR with relationship to the COLOR? :shock:

I'm reading, so help me out if this is wrong. Seams like the more BLUE it is, the less INTENSE it is. White (6500k--10,000K) seams to have more intensity, even though the PAR is actually almost identical to the PAR on a 420 Actinic or a 460 actinic.

I think I just discovered something. Sorta by reading, sorta by accident and sorta by logic.

I have 78 watts of PC lighting on this 10g Fragano (props to Biff). If I used 6 bulbs @ 10,000k, I'll bet it would fry the corals or bleach them all out to brown. It's too much intensity on the whiter end of the spectrum.

But, using that same wattage, and essentially that same PAR, I can get far better corals and the same or equal growth using a more blue spectrum. There is a guy on our local club website who grew corals under pure actinic and 20k. His corals didn't grow fast, but not slow either. But you should see the colors. UNFRIGGINBELIEVABLE!!

I think I may be able to accomplish the same thing here. It'll take a few months to see if it's working. I'm going to run it how I have it set now. (3 actinics 420) (1 10,000k) and (2 actinics 450)

I'm hoping I'll still see good growth due to sheer watts and PAR. I'm also hoping for good color based on the spectrum I'm using.

We shall see...........