haha. no, i was not kidding about the invasion.... This is why I tought about posting some pictures on here... some suggested the flatworm exit, but like I said, i don't know if i want to risk it as i do not want to wipe out my whole tank! As for your idea Ironman, Biff sent me a link with a similar idea and I will definetely try this out this week end!
And Biff, about the mandarin, how do I know if I have pods in my water? and how do I know if I have enogh pods to keep it alive? And of course, if I was to get a mandarin that eats flatworms, he's gonna be nice and fat:bounce: (must find something positive about the flatworms:mrgreen:). I'd love to go get one this weeek end (a mandarin), but before I do, I'd like to make sure it will have some food so it dosn't starve to death....:sfish: