Fishing for Damsels???

cut the top of the bottle and turn it so the spout is inside "create a minnow trap" don't feed for 2-3 days and put inside some sticky food and leave in the tank. you may catch others but should also catch damsels.

Nah you don't use the bottle to try and trap the fish like that!!! LOL. You cut off the end that the soda comes out of, then put it back into the bottle backwards... You will have to cut more of the opening off to make it large enough for the fish to swim in.

Once you have the opening inverted in the bottle, put some yummy foods inside of it. The idea is that hopefully the fish will swim in the opening to get the food, then not be able to find their way out. Damsels are smart, so I don't know if it will work for them, but this is the same kind of trap used for crabs and mantis shrimp... Not sure how effective it is for fish.
cut the top third off and rinse it well. poke a few pin sized holes into the plasitc so there is some current throug the bottle. take off the cap and submerge it into the sand bed. place a bit of food (krill) inside of the bottle and leave the cap off. Keep the cap handy. the small fish will swim in to eat the food they smell and you put the cap back on (draw back - no idea how long it will take). Then burn out their gills with salt solution!!!! or, the more humane thing is to place a board, plexiglass, etc under the bottle and sand and lift out the whole thing. Theory is sound, timing is not. Best of luck to you.

-Dr Marco :sfish: crap, wrong thing to fantasize about. Oh well.

-Dr Marco :sfish:
Im sure yote will get out his bow and arrow, some camo and hunt those down for you. He prolly wont charge ya either, he will do it for the thrill of the hunt...a true sprotsman..
Well, an update. I got em! But it was a grueling task. I separated the rocks to one side and separated the tank with a piece of plexiglass. After that it was just netting the little bastards. More pics to come on my build thread tonight!