Filter Socks

I'm like 99% sure bleach evaporates. So if the sock is dry, you are safe.

Of course that does leave 1% making me not responsible if you kill your fish. :lol:
Well I used the vinager, just washed them twice with that and hot water, then a third time with just plain hot water. Everything is fine, and they are clean as ever now.

On another note, Dennis, shouldn't you be working on that tank and posting more pics? Quite wasting time reading posts! Get to it man!
I can get them at my LFS, 11.99 each. Just seems like it's better to wash em out, maybe have a spare set as well.

holy hell that's alot. Must be that CA lifestyle. I pay like $4.50 at my LFS. Some guys around here did a group buy and got a good deal on them. You could try to organize one of those.
Here are some before and after shots. I used only vinager for 2 washes in hot water, then one wash just plain hot water.

Really? No one else here tries to save money by using nylon stockings instead? They do the exact same thing as a filter sock and cost a fraction of the price.


I dont want the wife to figure out why her hose are coming up missin:mrgreen: