Fighting Fishies--What To Do?

Thanks Yote.

You're not going to believe this ......

Thats the flame from the Petco down the street. :shock: I was in there a few weeks ago and spotted it. But, it wouldn't eat. I kept going back every 3 or 4 days to check on it. It finally got ich. I gave up. Told the kid at Petco it was sick with ich. He didn't even now it had ich. He said he would take it out and put it in a different tank with some medicine. That was like 2 weeks ago.

I go back in yesterday to have a look--fully expecting this little flame to be gone--as in DEAD and flushed down the toilet. And there it is!! Swimming around looking pretty as can be. I spent a good 20 minutes just staring at it and checking it over. Looking for spots or signs of ich. Looks clean.

So, I called the fish manager over and talked him into selling it to me for $40. (list price was $55) He was reluctant, but the salesman in me was persistant. I told him all about the huge risk I was taking with a fish that was sick only a few weeks ago. Ask him if he is REALLY going to sell that fish to anyone--or is it gonna sit in his tank for 3 months until it finally dies from stress.

I said something like, "What did you pay for it? Maybe $15 or $20? I'll give you $40 for it right now and you make $20. Or, you can sit on it until it dies in your crowded tank with 30 clowns and 2 foxface butterfly fish."

He sold it to me. :bounce:

I just love a good deal. :mrgreen:

Now if the little bastard takes a dump and dies--I'm gonna feel like an idiot.
The 6-line (Striper) doesn't know what to do. He's been "evicted" from his favorite hiding spot in the rock wall. :lol: He's not messing with Nemo so much today. He's been getting his ass kicked trying to reclaim his spot in the rocks, but the angel just abuses him and then casually swims back into his new home.

The angel and my goby (Cracker) had a little tiff, but as soon as each figured out to just leave the other alone--they've been fine. The angel and Nemo couldn't care less about each other.

Trying to think of a name for the angel. I already have sorta male names for all the other fish, so was thinking a female name would be good for the angel.

I'm thinking Xena -- as in warrior princess. :mrgreen: It's actually been comical to see the angel totally whooping ass on Striper. Striper just can't accept that the angel is bigger and meaner than him. He's totally getting smacked up against the rocks and he shakes it off for 2 minutes and then comes back for more. Dumbass.
great fish. great color. I am excited for your addition. Glad the beatings of your clown has stopped

The clown beatings have subsided. But the wrasse beatings are BRUTAL. Poor Striper. He'll either get smart or die, because the angel gets pretty rough when Striper comes around with his fins flared and his mouth open. I watched him get smashed into a rock pretty hard tonight. He poked his nose into the little cave where the angel sits and he got SLAMMED into a rock pretty hard when the angel swatted her tail at him. I do hope he smartens up, because I'd hate to see him get cut open or busted up internally over foolish pride and aggression.

There's always a bigger bully. :mrgreen:
Striper is becoming ........................ rather docile. He's been giving the Flame a wide berth this morning. Must be sore from all the beatings. :chair:
Glad to hear that your six-line is getting straightened out.
My flame never bothers anything,untill I go to clean the tank.then he comes at me like a pissed off bull dog.