Dry rock


Reefing newb
I have a question. I am new and don't know a thing but I read a lot and I'm getting a system together a piece at a time. (I'm working a lot of OT). I am to the point where I think I'm going with a dry rock/live rock mixture. I was going to get some dry from Marco Rocks but I see some on e-bay that are cheaper. I don't know if they're any good are not. They come from Texas. The price is good (about 35 bucks for 30 pounds plus shipping) but, I don't want to waste my money. Does anyone have any experience with these rocks?....thanks...John
I have only ever heard good things about Marco Rocks (from lots of people), so I can recommend them.

As for the Ebay rocks, lots of people use what's called Texas holey rocks in their tanks. Is that what it is? A link to the Ebay rocks would help.
I am also planning on drilling my 40 gal. I ordered a kit from Glass Holes. The local glass shop wants 30 bucks a hole and it's at your own risk. I have handtool experience and I figured with light pressure I could do it. They make it look easy on the video. Has anyone done this and is it as easy as it looks?
No pressure required. Let the weight of the cordless drill do the work for you.

You should use plenty of water to cool the bit and you should actually pull UP on the drill to reduce the pressure as you get closer to drilling all the way through. This will reduce any chances of a blow out as the hole saw cuts through the last few mm of glass.
I completely agree with ccCapt. I met Marco from Marco Rocks. Great guy, with a great product. To start my tank I got about 90lbs Marco rock and 30lbs live rock from my LFS. The tank had basically no cycle and the rocks are beautiful.
I am also planning on drilling my 40 gal. I ordered a kit from Glass Holes. The local glass shop wants 30 bucks a hole and it's at your own risk. I have handtool experience and I figured with light pressure I could do it. They make it look easy on the video. Has anyone done this and is it as easy as it looks?
Drilling is simple just take RC's advice. One tip, get some plumbers putty and make a large ring around your hole. Build the edges up to form a cup and fill it with water that way your hole-saw will remain wet/cool while you're drilling.
Thanks everyone...I just ordered from Marco Rocks.....My overflow from Glass Holes came today and my sump should be delivered sometime today...I'm getting there a piece at a time.
just keep pluggn' grump, you'll get there...

yea, drilling isnt that hard, i did it with my 18v XRP dewalt, and i used modeling clay to make the water pond around my bit... infact, i took a video of it...
[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p4pscUOP55M"]YouTube - drilling a 10 gallon aquarium.wmv[/ame]

oh, and i hope you keep us posted on that rock, i was just about to hit submit on my order to marco, and something told me to wait....