Doc's Tank


I don't work for anybody
Hello All,

I should probably re-introduce myself and my tank. I am Doc. I used to be on this forum years ago. I got too busy and got away from the forum and the hobby. I am not even sure if anyone has been here long enough to remember my tank. Somehow, my tank has survived massive neglect. I just got too busy with life to take good care of it. I lost most of my coral, but somehow, my fish survived. I consider myself lucky for that. I am here to rebuild my reef and show it off (I hope).

On the positive side, my fish combination is pretty much unheard of. I have a combination of angelfish that have been together for years and I added a shark about a year ago. I will go into specifics in future posts, but for now, it is good to be back. I will post pics as soon as I remember how (yeah, it's been that long).

Welcome back to the site I took a bit of a ....vacation myself but just couldnt shake it salts in the blood...
I wanted to show a comparison of two of my angelfish. If I can figure out how to post pictures (hope so). This is my Queen when I first got her back in '08. I have also included a pic of her from last night. I wish they would grow faster!


  • queen july 08.jpg
    queen july 08.jpg
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Ok, let's try this again. This is my Koran


and my Queen...


I have had this Regal Angel for about the last 2 years.

Here is a look at most of my tank. This is where I am looking to improve. The coral is mostly dead, but I still have a few things that are decent looking.


I will have to figure out what kind of reef-scaping I want to do, keeping in mind my fish population.

This little guy has been with me for probably 4 years.

I recently added these two guys to my tank, and are getting along nicely with everyone else.



My Vlamingi is about 4-5 inches and it took me about 45 minutes to get a picture cuz the stupid thing would not stay still long enough to get a clear shot.
Here is my buddy. I have had this shark for about a year I think. He eats by hand and is active from time to time. Glad he just doesn't sit, hiding like most Marbled Catsharks do.


I am just glad my livestock lived through neglect It took me years to find the right combo of large angelfish.
looks really good. Much better the my old neglected tanks. I took them down and set up new..