Dizzy Fish?


The Damsel Defender
ever since i got my striped damsel Sarge he swims around in circles ALLLL DAY... there is nothing wrong with the tank and all the levels are okay, he seems fine and eats well... he jsut swims in really tight circles all day long.... it makes me dizzy! LOL.

any clue as to why its doing that? i've never seen a fish swim like he does... its strange..

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LOL i don't think thats it... i dunno if theirs something screwed up with his brain or what but he didnt do that at the store :p
haha yea i think hes retarded too... its funny to watch for a bit but then it just makes me dizzy...

did i mention, he swims backwards too... i'll have to get vid of that, every time i feed the fish he goes backwards
no clue, maybe i should rename him mater... or dizzy.

it jsut worries me because i don't want the lil guy to be in pain (even tho he bites me when i try to shoo him around to actually SWIM) but i really don't know what his problem is
hes probably heard 'You Spin Me Round Like a Record" too much...

my poor fish are subjected to mass amounts of good old skool music xDD
hes probably heard 'You Spin Me Round Like a Record" too much...

my poor fish are subjected to mass amounts of good old skool music xDD

That is funny. You should play that, record it and send it in to America's Funniest Videos. Betcha you could win some money.
That fish is stressed big time. I assume you didn't qt it before you put it in your tank? I would guess some type of fluke or parasite is driving it crazy.
did you check his fins? maybe one is too small like nemo so all he can do is spin!

JK... I think Capt is the only one who has any good advice so far. Does it eat? Soak it's food in garlic. It will boost it's immune system.