Darko's 35 gallon build

I will post some pics in a little bit.

Well first off this is my first saltwater tank build. I was going to go with a Aquapod but talked myself out of it since it was 4 times as much and not that big? and really there is not a lot of upgrades you can do to them.

This tank is about 35-40 gallons? I have done a few calculations and came up 37gallons?

Length x Width X Height = X
X / 231 = 37.70gallons (is that right)

Ok so the tank I got from CL with everything to set it up for a basic reef tank. I got 2 sets of lights both are high output florescent. Each ballast has 192watts of output. The guy had the tank for 3+ years with the lights and he said he never had an issues of putting light sensitive corals in it. I would like to upgrade to T5 maybe for my B-Day in a few months any suggestions?

I have a deal on CL with someone else for LR and LS that should be coming after the weather in my area clears up (we got over a foot of snow the past few days, normally we get 1 or 2 inches at best for the whole year so its a mess) so when that happens I am going to do a copper test on the tank that they come out of but anything else?

It didn't come with a protein skimmer I have got a few suggestions on that.


any other advice is greatly appreciated!!
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OK some pictures. First brown has got to go! I have one tank that is that color and it drives me NUTS!!!

Much better!

Those are the bulbs they are brand new (in box and plastic) that the guy had been using any thoughts ??

The center part is broken? should I be worried with a 35ish gallon tank?


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The Nova Pro or 4-6 bulb Tek fixture will do nicely if/when you want to upgrade from PC.The first skimmer should do nicely(second link didn't work).Everything else looks good.
Photo time!
This is the tank after cleaning everything 1st thing get rid of the of the ugly brown, my GF's planted tank is that color and I HATE IT!!!

Ok that is getting better :)

Its only a 35gallon tank should I be worried about this the guy before didn't think it was that big of a deal.

That looks better!!

Here are the lights that are being used do you think that will work? I have a brand new set that came with it so I probably upgrade when I run out of bulbs?


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are you gonna paint the back of it black also?? I was thinking about doing that but im not sure if the pain would hold very well on the glass, any ideas on that?
are you gonna paint the back of it black also?? I was thinking about doing that but im not sure if the pain would hold very well on the glass, any ideas on that?

I got a background that is black, I have seen people paint them but I think that the background I got off line was only $8 and I don't have to worry about a light spot I didn't see or it scraping off. :D
Looks goos so far. What are the dementions of the tank? That light is what I started out with on my 30L. I eventually moved up to MH to keep higher light things, but it's a great light and will do just fine for softys and LPS like mentioned. Maybe even a monti cap. Don't know what the second skimmer was but octopus is a pretty good skimmer.
So with the help of Santa I got to put my tank up yesterday! I got my last few things for x-mas and I finally met up with the CL guy to get the LR & LS. I got the deal of the year on that. I got almost 60lbs of LR and about 60lbs of sand for $50!! The guy I think felt like a moron when I got there and started pulling rocks out and they just kept coming. In the ad he said about 20-25lbs of rock! opps! I will get some pic up just as soon as the tank clears.
The deal with the live rock is a few people had been there first and took the nicer pieces and he made the deal with me that if I came and took the rest it would be $50, he was tired of people flaking out. Anyways here are some pictures, its still a little cloudy but I could not wait anymore.

This is before I moved the rocks around.

my attempt a aquascaping



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So as I am waiting for the tank to cycle I have been thinking about what cleaners I need to get? any suggestions? LFS was having a sale on Astraea & Turbo Snails for $.59ea and I got a rain check for some of them but what else? The LR I got came with some hair alge so I figure I need to get the rest of that off before anything.
Nassarius snails for stirring up the sand bed and cerith snails. Maybe a chiton.
reefcleaners.org will hook you up with a good cleanup crew.