Daniel's 120 Gallon Aquarium

Very nice looking tank. You have a good eye for LR landscaping, corals and placement.I dig it!

So question... How are the micro bubbles doing? I'm curious to know if adjusting the loc-line return tubes fixed or improved the situation. If so, what adjustment did you make?
Is that a magnifying glass in the upper-right? Where did you get that?

Very nice looking tank. You have a good eye for LR landscaping, corals and placement.I dig it!

So question... How are the micro bubbles doing? I'm curious to know if adjusting the loc-line return tubes fixed or improved the situation. If so, what adjustment did you make?

Microbubbles are in order. The loc-line return tube adjustments didn't seem to help any. What I found worked best, which was recommended by someone in another forum, was where my overflow pipes were flowing into my sump there was a TON of splashing going on because I wanted them to hang above my filter socks. I took 2 PVC pipes, about a foot long each and drilled holes in the bottom half of it, I then stuck those PVC pipes into the bottom end of the filter sock holders (which are pvc pipes more or less) and now the water still goes through the filter socks but it drains UNDER water instead of above it. The holes allow a lot of the air to escape before actually entering the water which helped tremendously with my microbubble problem. I still see microbubbles but not nearly as many as before... which makes me a lot happier. Even with 3 baffles I still was seeing a lot of micro bubbles until I changed over to the new method.

And to answer your next question, yes that's a magnifying glass, its called a portal, they are a little pricy ($60-80) but well worth it if you like seeing your corals' polyps up close. Ivsportal.com. I don't use mine as much as I used to, but when I have guests to my house, they absolutely love looking through it, which makes it well worth it for that alone. I recommend it if you spend a lot of time in front of your aquarium, which I believe most of us do if I am not mistaken.
I really like the idea of the bigger PVC pipes acting as catch tubes for the filter sock section.
What you built is basically a baffle tube :)
I am going to try that out in the sump that I am building.
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I really like the idea of the bigger PVC pipes acting as catch tubes for the filter sock section.
What you built is basically a baffle tube :)
I am going to try that out in the sump that I am building.
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One major advantage that I didn't even post (!!) is they made my setup probably 80+% Quieter!! That made my basement go from what sounds like a bathtub running to a sound of just the pumps quietly humming and a hardly noticeable trickling noise. It made my wife and I so much happier when watching tv in the room with my tank.

New pics:

$20 Hollywood stunner chalice from LFS. Awesome deal.

Lyre-tail Anthias - Female... I only purchased 1 of these to avoid inter-species aggression that I've read about - trying to maintain a peaceful tank.
