dang he attached


Reefing newb
well my clam must have attached himself to the live rock hes next to over night because i can see where his foot is holding on... is it early enough that i can take him off? hes stuck to it from the side inconveniently... and if he stays there ill have to move a foundation piece of my live rock for him to have room.
yea i know that if you remove them it heavily damages them i just didnt know if it was after a certain time period... ill leave him be.. is it ok for him that hes attached from the side? he can just kinda grow around it right or adjust himself
He should adjust or let go. Watch him incase he decides to let go then you could put the tile under him. I suppose you could put the tile under him now if you can and see if he'll re-attach to that instead.
sadly there is no room without moving the entire tank... i was going to put him on the opposite side in fact haha but ill watch to see if he stays on there.