Cycling Question

You shouldn't have to feed the snails that much or that often. I bet that's why you had ammonia readings -- you were overfeeding. If you have fish, the snails will eat whatever the fish miss and will graze on algae too. You shouldn't have to add food to the tank just for the snails, and 1/8 tsp three times a day for just snails is way too much anyways (that's about what I feed my entire 55 gallon tank filled with corals, 13 fish, and a large cleaner crew each day).
So - recommendations welcome here - owner of LFS said I should probably add some inverts that will help with the algae sitch, and suggested 8 hours/day on lighting.

I'll reduce food accordingly (although the large clown in the refugium is practically jumping out of the water when I approach with food - and eats everything it gets now...she's gonna be PO'd about this...); it's the food in the rest of the tank that is of concern (although, again, ammonia is at zero, Nitrate at 2.5)