An update for you all....
Went to the LFS yesterday and picked up 5 Nassarius snails as I'm starting to get some algae - probably from leaving the lights on too long (my bad). Thanks to everybody who, in other posts, suggested these cool critters - they are a trip.
This AM, all the rocks and most of the gravel are covered with a very thin layer of flourescent green algae - so I'll be leaving the lights off, or at least shortening their run time until this settles down. If anybody has any comments or thoughts to add about the algae, I'd love to hear them!
Per other posts, I've canned the flake food - and have gone to frozen (Prime Reef and Mysis shrimp). Both fish are eating enthusiastically.
I also changed tank positions with the Clowns, per the LFS suggestion - the little guy is now swimming in the main tank (ostensibly to make it HIS territory), and the big clown is in the isolation refugium. The interaction between them is wonderful to watch.
Chemistry - yesterday, no nitrates. Haven't checked (yet) today. SG is 1.022 (got my refractometer - an extremely cool gadget that is ACCURATE - thanks, Sara, for the recommendation).