Cyano Outbreak

at least you agree about the other insults....and vegetarian!!!

-Dr Marco :sfish:
My cyano is out to get me. Just when my sandbed started clearing up, it's back to covering all the rocks! I can't get rid of it! I've been blasting my rocks off with a turkey baster once a day! Now it's starting to cover my corals. I've been running ChemiPure for two weeks now.

Tonight I am adding two more Koralia #3s, for a total of six.

I guess it's time to whip out the big guns and head to the LFS for some RowaPhos tomorrow. Got to hook up that stupid phosphate reactor now...
My cyano is out to get me. Just when my sandbed started clearing up, it's back to covering all the rocks! I can't get rid of it! I've been blasting my rocks off with a turkey baster once a day! Now it's starting to cover my corals. I've been running ChemiPure for two weeks now.

Tonight I am adding two more Koralia #3s, for a total of six.

I guess it's time to whip out the big guns and head to the LFS for some RowaPhos tomorrow. Got to hook up that stupid phosphate reactor now...

Glad to hear it.
My reverse curse is working.
It's alright though, I'm extra happy tonight because remember about a month back when I boiled my tank? I had this really nice rock of Blastomussa wellsi that absolutely got cooked. Only skeletons were left :(. But today I found at least FOUR brand new blasto babies (about the size of small peas) on the rock again. I am so thrilled. It's hard to find nice looking blastos for a decent price!
It's alright though, I'm extra happy tonight because remember about a month back when I boiled my tank? I had this really nice rock of Blastomussa wellsi that absolutely got cooked. Only skeletons were left :(. But today I found at least FOUR brand new blasto babies (about the size of small peas) on the rock again. I am so thrilled. It's hard to find nice looking blastos for a decent price!

Not glad to hear it.
My reverse curse isn't working good enough.(more voodoo dance tonight)

If Doc wasn't so busy moving,I bet he would have something smart and funny to say.
my cyano is coming to an end. I can tell it is dying off and I am sure it will be gone after the move. Biff, have you tried "chemiclean", it is different than chemipure.

-Dr Marco :sfish:
How do you use Chemiclean? I was using Chemipure to clear up the water after I added all those new rocks. I've seen Chemiclean in the store but have never tried it. BECAUSE I HAVE NEVER HAD CYANO LIKE THIS EVER BEFORE IN MY LIFE!!!!
It is pretty easy to use and amazingly effective - to point. You need to turn off your UV, skimmer, take out carbon, etc. Just run powerheads and filter bags. Add the directed dosage for your tank (it is a powder) for 3 days. All the cyano will be gone the next day (vacuum out the visible stuff before adding it). Do a 20% water change afterward and you are done. That is the good news. Here is the not so good news.

Cyano finds a way to develop an immunity to chemiclean at some point. It will be effective the first time you use it, but that may be the only time. I have used it three times in two years and on the third time, I had to dose twice in order to get it to go away. It is totally reef safe, but your corals will react to it for the first day. It is worth the price. Best of luck.

-Dr Marco :sfish:
wow thanks doc. ill have to check it out. I was dumb to think I could make it happen by water change and removing what I could.... didn't phase it so I guess ill be going your direction on that
I will agree with Doc about how well Chemiclean works.
But if you have any Xenia,the chemiclean may kill it.But it usually wont bother any other corals.
well Marco my friend, I figure who better to take advice from than a doctor. So I swung by the ol LFS today and picked this up. wish me luck to rid the slime devil from my tank

My LFS didn't have an phosphate media yesterday :( And I'm reluctant to use the ChemiClean because you have to do a 20% water change afterwards, and that's 60 gallons for me!!! That would take three trashcans and all day to do. I think I am going to order some phosphate media online and wait it out a little longer before I resort to Chemiclean. :cry:
I'll keep the chemiclean in mine the next time I have a problem Doc.As of today,cyano is all gone.I haven't ran carbon since setting up the new system and as soon as I added carbon the cyano disappeared.Strange though,I didn't think carbon would do anything,guess carbon removes organic waste which fuels red slime.I do have a bunch of chemipure on hand for the next time.
My LFS didn't have an phosphate media yesterday :( And I'm reluctant to use the ChemiClean because you have to do a 20% water change afterwards, and that's 60 gallons for me!!! That would take three trashcans and all day to do. I think I am going to order some phosphate media online and wait it out a little longer before I resort to Chemiclean. :cry:

poor baby - your tank is too big? boooooohoooooooooooo