Cyano Outbreak

Little? You call a 240 gallon monstrosity "little". I was already feeling small, but now, he!! it is like being a 9-year-old boy again. I just take comfort in soon having TWO tanks. Both ripe for you to curse with cyano. -giggle-

-Dr Marco :sfish:
I'm almost embarrass to post this.It didn't happen til Biff became a moderator.this is new territory for me so hopefully chemipure and phosban helps cause I ordered a ton of it from Dr. Foster and Smith.


wow Dominick, that may be worse than mine. It is gone as of today since I did my weekly water change. It usually shows up after three days and just gets worse. I am going to shorten my lighting schedule (again) in hopes of getting it fixed.

-Dr Marco :sfish:
I swear it came out of nowhere.The funny thing about it is its only on the sand bed.I've done a 30 gallon water change earlier today and wait for the phosban and chemipure to get here sometime next week.It does look better this evening.

I hope the cyano gets 10 times worst in Biff's tank while she's partying in Vegas.
you know it will. Karma for causing our tanks stress - and for partying in Vegas without us.

-Dr Marco :sfish:
your tank will look amazing always no matter what will overcome this!! that cyano whos boss!!..your pure NAAO quality!!
So - guys, help me out here - I've got a LITTLE cyno going on, but mostly am battling hair algae. Finally caved in last Saturday (8 days ago) and bought a small bottle of PhosGuard from the LFS. Seems to helping alot - but my questions are: it looks like the hair algae has died - but now I have these long threads of creepy stuff - what I believe is dead hair algae. I assume I need to scrape this off and remove? Also - the bottle says to 1 cup for every 75-100 gallons, put it in a filter bag and replace every 4 days - which I did - but are they saying this so I have to buy more - or does it last much longer? Also - do I continue with this indefinitely, or once I've got things cleared can I stop the treatment? Are there better phos-ban products out there than this? They all appear to be the same thing, but you guys know best...
unless you like the fuzzy dead algae, I would clean it off with a new toothbrush. As far as phosphate remover, I use phosguard in my filter bag. It is a pellet and not a liquid. I put it in a media bag inside my filter bag attached to the overflow tubes coming into my sump. It seems to last about a month and costs about 17 bucks a bottle that lasts two months. It really seems to keep the cyano away, until something dies (like two emperor angelfish within a week) and then, you are cursed to walk the earth, never being rid of it seems.

-Dr Marco :sfish:
So - are you saying that decomposing animals are what causes cyano? I've lost some nassarius snails (don't know if the hermits are killing them or they're starving)... would that be enough to trigger a cyano outbreak? What about the leftover shells when shrimp moult? My cleaner moulted a few days ago and I wasn't able to remove the shell - it just kinda blew all over the place... I know this stuff is mostly chitin - but that would be an source of organics, too, right?
No, I got Adrastos too. In fact, his was so bad that he ended up taking down his whole tank. Ha! Take that!

It is officially down as of this weekend! Luckily I had setup that 29 gallon last month and was working on seeding some coraline on the rocks. I was able to transfer everything over to the 29 except the Mandarin. He didn't make the trip. He was the last straw - the algae covered all his food! When he died - my tank was empty 12 hours later!

I've scrubbed down my tank and rocks. Crushed Coral has been removed. I should be filling the tank again this week sometime then starting the process of re-seeding that tank with coraline. Should only take a few months :(
small amounts of nutrient from dead snails or molt won't make that much of a difference, that is what the cleaning crew is for: to eat up the left overs. It is when you get way too much, like a big dead fish, that will do it.

-Dr Marco :sfish:
yeah, try having 2....big dead fish in a week, both hanging out at the bottom for overnight and half the next day. Makes a lovely mess of cyano. Hate that crap!!!

-Dr Marco :sfish:
Imagine my surprise when I came home from Vegas! No, I wasn't surprised that all the furniture was gone (I slept on the tile floor in a sleeping bag last night), but I was surprised that all my cyano and diatoms were gone! Whew! Neal finally did right by my tank (for once).
Yeah Biff,Blame it on Neal.
We all know you pulled some of that Arizona voodoo crap and set your cyno to the rest of us.:mrgreen:
no kidding. Freaking Sedona-chic-hippie-voodoo-crap!!! You gave it to me!!!

-Dr Marco :sfish: