Ctimpson's 135 gallon Reef Tank... Build Thread...

Looking good! I wouldn't get any more hermits, if I were you. They will just kill your snails. For a tank your size, how many snails depends on what kind. I would get around 10 to 20 small nassarius, or 5 big ones, maybe 5 turbos, and 30 or so astraeas.
I love your coral beauty. Great addition to your tank with the Naso. They get SOOOO big and pretty. I agree with Reef, drop in another 25 lbs of rock to the system. I didn't read if you added emerald crabs to your system. they do a good job scavaging. You could also put in a strawberry crab, they are amazing too. Everything looks great.

I LOVE your aquascaping. i think im getting a little jealous here. I also love your blonde Naso. please keep it. they are wonderful fish!
best jump to a pretty big system for that baby. I am thinking a 180 to be safe. He will do OK in the 135 for a long time, but may outgrow it in the end.

just a bit more to make it look more filled in, unless you plan on getting a lot of big fish. They need more room to swim than little fishes

What do you think then, like just a basic wall with caves all the way across the tank or I think two islands meeting in the middle with like an arched penninsula....
I think you can keep the same look, but add some more rock to the back of the large group of rocks. maybe even a few smaller rocks around the base of the arch to put coral and even a few toward the right of the arch

or, a semi-circle of rock by the arch and fill up around the overflow on the right. You can totally keep the same look, which does look great (BTW). Bring the rock forward on the left too, just a shorter stack - maybe three or four medium rocks. I think it just needs to look a bit more full

So I decided to redue everything in my tank... Bought 70 more lbs. of rock and some cleaner shrimp and some turbos... I lost my Naso today... I think a rock fell on him and he died pretty quickly... I will be getting a midas blenny tomorrow and the rest of my clean up crew... Also picked up some purple with blue polyp montipora, an elephant ear and a colony of trumpets... I will update with more pics tomorrow...












You have to much rock,take about 70lbs out!
Just kidding,it looks perfect.The monti cap is my favorite.Sorry about your Naso,weird but I bought one today and yours died today.
What a difference more rock made. Tank looks great. Love the new additions.
What kind of fish is the black and white striped with yellow tail? I can't remember.