

Reefing newb
i don't know if i have coraline in my tank or just some red and purple staff growing on my rock's because i can't get that growing on my back glass how i know if i have coraline o not??
or how i can grow coraline in my tank if you tink what i have is not coraline!!!!

thank you AGAIN :Cheers:


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You have some coralline. It takes a few months for it to grow on the glass and usually starts out as a lime green hard algae on the glass. I usually scrub as much off of it as I can on the front glass and let it grow on the back and sides.
It's not coralline if it's soft. It's just another type of algae. Some snails should help, but you should get to the cause of the algae. Overfeeding? Using tap water? Using flake or pellet foods? Overstocked with fish?
You need to make sure your calcium, magnesium and alkalinity are all good. Without those 3 in line, coralline will have a tough time going. You can also jump start it by adding rocks to your tank that already have coralline. Then brush the coralline with a hard-bristled brush to spread the spores throughout the tank.
ok what is a good ppm number for calcium ??
i have 300 ppm and i know is very low how i can go up with calcium??
making water changes???
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ok what is a good ppm number for calcium ??
i have 300 ppm and i know is very low how i can go up with calcium??
making water changes???

Which salt mix are you using. Some have higher levels than others. Also. how often and how much water are you changing?
I've seen on other forums that IO has had lower calcium levels lately. I can't verify that because I use Reef Crystals. You might consider switching to another salt for a while just see if your levels rise. Maybe you got a bad batch. IO is a very popular salt.