Copod Refugium


Reefing newb
My 75 gallon aquarium is filtered by an over-flow fed sump (bio balls) that contains a Protein Skimmer and UV Filter (not being used). I'm going to build a Refugium. Would like to have a two-section refugium (1 section for live sand/macroalgae, and 1 section to raise copods so I can get a Green Mandarin). Problem is that I'm limited to size. Maximum size for my available "hidden" space is 24 x 18 x 18H. After adding bubble traps, dividers, etc, there would only be 6 inches for each of the 2 sections. So I think I have two options:

1) Have a single section refugium, and raise the copods in with the macroalgae. Would this make it difficult to catch the copods?

2) Have 2 seperate refugiums (no big deal). Have one (hidden) with live sand/macroalgae. Have a seperate (display refugium) with copods and maybe a couple sea horses (for effect).

What do you think?


In the tank: 50 lbs Live rock, Percula Clown, PJ Cardinal, Bangaii Cardinal, Lawnmower Blennie, Purple Lobster, Emerald Crab, Red Phili Crab, Red Linckia Star, Turbo Snails, Atraea Snails, Nerite Snails, Blue Legged Hermits, Devil's Hand Coral.
1)Do people actually try to catch copepods?How would they do that anyways?Every now and then,I shake the chaeto and watch copepods get sucked into the return pump.Never have I heard of other reefers netting or sucking copepods up to release them back to the display.They usually find there own way by accident.

2)One refugium with one large section then two different ones is what I would do.Seahorses feed on copepods,that defeats the purpose of raising pods for a mandarin.
I think it would be hard to raise pods WITHOUT macroalgae, that's where they like to hang out. Like Freak, I see most of my pods in the chaeto. I would go with one fuge section, containing live sand, live rock rubble and chaeto. That will provide a nice place for your pods to breed.

He is also right about the seahorses, if you have seahorses, none of the pods are going to reach the mandarin in the display tank.