Contest Bifferwine

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your tank looks GREAT biff!!! I read that you're doing 50% water changes every week or two weeks. are you using a filter, too? I may be stalking this page for tips on account of my tank being a ten-gal. :P

I have no filter whatsoever. Only a powerhead to move the water. That's why I'm doing such large water changes. For small tanks, there really aren't any good filters or protein skimmers out there. It's easier and cheaper to just do larger water changes, in my opinion.

Also, because I am trying to feed the ricordeas a lot so they'll grow bigger and faster. It's debatable whether or not you can feed ricordeas -- most people believe they get all they need from the light. But I'm loading them up with food hoping that it will accelerate their growth.
Ahh, gotcha. I'm doing like 25-30% water changes once a week plus a filter. I want to get a powerhead soon, but I'm budgeting myself. I've probably spent like $125 just trying to get this tank set up in the past three weeks. 0_o Next week I'll buy a powerhead.

I hope your experiment goes well and they grow big quickly for you!! You have some pretty corals in there. I especially like the black/white sand mix. Very purrrrty :)
Biff your ricordeas look much better than mine and I got mine about 3-4 weeks before you got yours. I think your feeding must be paying off.
You should try it David. Last night, I fed my gramma some mysis, and the large colony of gray ricordeas decided to steal a few pieces -- they grabbed at it, it stuck to their 'bubbles', and they dragged it to their mouths, just as LPS corals feed. In your big tank, it'll be harder though. In a 10 gallon, it's pretty easy to saturate the water with food.
Yeah, I have to turn the returns completely off to feed the corals otherwise it just goes overboard and then into the sump. I'm still experimenting with the best way to feed. I have tried feeding the ricordeas mysis before but they just seem to sit there. :(
I have tried feeding the ricordeas mysis before but they just seem to sit there. :(

Yeah, that's kinda what they do :( I wish I could just inject them with a whole bunch of roids, or something. Turn all my rics into little Sammy Sosas or something. I'd be mainlining those beeyotches!!
Once you get them trained they will figure it out, and start to always take the food you offer. Awesome! looking good,
My 180 doesn't like rics much :( my 850 does great with them but I think I might have to move them out soon for a bit, because the Racoons that we put in to take care of the majanos are starting to pic at them.
So you are saying not to just stick it into the hole and squirt? :shock:

Well of course not! You've got to ease into it -- whisper a few kind words in the ric's ear, maybe give it a backrub, talk about it's feelings. You can't just jump right into it like that!!
Well gees...if it's going to take that much work...:12: I wonder if I can rent a ric for a few hours from Craigslist for 150 roses :scratchch

:shock: :lol:
I use this to feed my horses and my corals, you can control exactly how the mysis is released and even chase it down if you need to. LOVE IT! You need pipe cleaners to get inside to clean it:

Come to think of it Biff, Nope, you shouldn't use that.... You would HATE it. You should keep doing it your way and flooding food into your system to make it CRASH!!!!!!!

Mwuah, ha, ha, ha, ha.....

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