Complete Lighting System

OOOOOOOOOK. I have been trying to get a grip on this whole lunar/moon lighting. I know what thy are and how to hook them up, But what of color? I have seen mostly blue, but also red, and white. Or maybe it was green not red. Either way, i tried doing some research here and saw the posts of jhnrb about the setup he has simulating the angle of the moon and the daily change of 45-50 mins to simulate the waxing and waning moon. Is it worth just getting a cheap led or even a rope light, hook it up to a dimmer, and set it up on a timer? Is it one of those all or nothing deals where if you dont have the lights on a programmer, it's not worth doing?
That bacially depends on what YOU want out the moon lights.
Mine just come on when the actinics turn off.More for the faint glow and for me to enjoy than any thing else.
But just one of those LED rope lights will do the trick if your just after looks.
Thanks Daugherty, I hope you didn't dismantle your light just to show me that. It's exactly what I needed to know. And thanks yote, I am still not sure which way to go. I can go with the 4 sets of three lights and then get a dimmer to plug them into in case it is too bright but that is almost double the price of the 4 singles of which I could buy 2 if one isn't light enough. Hmmmm...does anyone else type to themselves? I am thinking just the 4 for now. Thanks again guys for your help!