Clean Up Crew Help


Reefing newb
So I'll be stopping by my LFS tomorrow and wanted to pick up some inverts for my tank. I'm just not sure on what to get. I figured I'd ask the forum before buying something totally useless.

I was thinking of some nassarius snails and blue legged hermits.

Thanks in advance everyone.
Is this for your 20L? That will determine how many of each. But I would add a dew more snails since Nass. snails don't consume algae. If this is for your 20 id probably break it down like this:
4-5 blue leg hermits
4-5 Nass. snails
1-2 turbos
2-3 large cerith
3-4 nerite snails.
And possibly a serpent star
I would like to add that hermit crabs will kill and eat snails. Especially if they need the shells to move into. Make sure you have plenty of spare shells for them to move into. When I had hermit crabs, they developed a taste for live snail flesh, and waited until the nass snails came out to eat and jumped them.
And dont add them all at once.
Add a few and see how well they keep up.That way your dont end up starving them.
Hey great info everyone! I really appreciate it. I'm still sketchy on the hermit crabs. I'd hate to have all my snails hunted down and then me having to go buy more. Are the hermits really necessary?
Mine generally only go after snails when they need new shells. It's worth it to me to lose a snail every once in a while because they are kinda cool.
Yea, the hermits will clean up leftover food, detritus, and algae and the turbos will take care of algae.
Can I get an I.D. on this awesome little guy? His left claw is all white also.


  • Photo Oct 21, 4 09 04 PM.jpg
    Photo Oct 21, 4 09 04 PM.jpg
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Reefcleaners is awesome. I bought one of their packages and they sent it to me priority mail to Alaska. I was skeptical about the snails being in a cold bag for a few days, (not to mention their recommendation of just dumping them into the tank after floating the bag for a few minutes), but 99% of the snails survived. Only lost one or two ceriths.

Oh, and if you get some nerites, make sure to do a 'walk around' your tank every day. They like to climb out of the tank. I've had to put them back in three times last week.