check this out...17,000 gal tank in a house

I've known a few super rich people...and they are all to be pitied. Yes they have all the money but they lack so much more that money cant buy.

Personally, i never want to be rich like that.
99.9% of the rich folk are just pure ole smug smartasses that tend to forget what its actually like to have to work for a living and look down on the working man.
HOWEVER,there are a few(very few) that are decent folks.

As for the smartassed rich folk.I've thought several times about finding out just big a boom 100lbs of fertilizer would make.
Dont forget the diesel! haha.

NOTE: FBI and CIA operatives this post and the post directly above are to be taken as humor and not threats to any filthy rich SOBs!
hey, i know quite a few rich people and i cant say thats how they act. the ones i know are the kindest most humble people in the world and would do anything to help give back to people who cant afford to even buy food for there kids so i cant say all rich people are assholes
we'll you're reffering to the 0.01%. Scroll up and read Yote's post. He said 99.9% of them not 100%. :mrgreen:

From my experience, the good rich people are the self made ones. The a-holes are the ones living off of daddy's money and evertually owning wealth for just being born.