can i get away with no filter in my nano? only a skimmer?


I Love Reefer
in my ten gallon im doing only corals, no fish.
i was wondering if i could get away with no hang on filter.
im just using a skimmer for a 29gal biocube.
the filter that i have (if i have to use it)... is an aqueon quiet flow 20.
ill also be using 2 circulation pumps.
like 10 -15 lbs of rock.
i would think the rock would b enough biological filtration.
otherwise is the aqueon 20 ok?
it doesnt seem to have alot of power....
I ran my 10 for a couple years without a skimmer. I did keep the HOB filter to run carbon in though. My tank was mostly softies and they tend to wage chemical warfare as a defense. A strict water change schedule and plenty of rock and it can be done fairly easily. I did have some pretty crazy param swings in the first 6-8 months but after that it became easier.
I would not use just a skimmer, I tried it with a ten gallon nano reef and had terrible results, I put my aqueon 20 on it as well, then everything bounced back. I have 10 pounds of live sand, and 18 lbs of LR.
ok cool...just trying to conserve space...i know alot of people that run just a skimmer on there big sump...
but yeah ill go ahead and hook up my aqueon....
thanks guys
Running just a skimmer on larger tanks is much easier because it takes a lot more to change the water chemistry. Where as in a nano tank, if you leave a dead fish in there for even overnight it can bomb the tank. (That's what happened to me at least.)
In a little tank just regular water changes are more than enough.

But I would find one fish to put in your tank, never underestimate the power of fish poop.
so u think i can go no hob? just a skimmer? and weekly water changes...
would it be worth a shot?
on the other hand do u think i should do the opposite and just have my hob and NO skimmer?
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I just set up my 10g about a month ago and all I have is 10-12 lbs of live rock and powerheads. The tank is really cloudy so I am going to run an aquaclear filter with carbon in it. No skimmer on it. Just weekly water changes.
I just set up my 10g about a month ago and all I have is 10-12 lbs of live rock and powerheads. The tank is really cloudy so I am going to run an aquaclear filter with carbon in it. No skimmer on it. Just weekly water changes.
i really like the way ur tank is coming together....ill probably just run the skimmer and do my water changes and see how things go...
im using the same light fixture as u and it has 3 cords!!!
plus my heater...and powerheads..and skimmer...and hob...
i might end up hooking up my hob if i cant keep my parameters in check...
i figure if i have enough live rock i shouldnt really need carbon. unless my water gets cloudy too i guess...
Thanks! I have no idea why my water is cloudy..its clear in my 29g but that also has a skimmer on it. Yea it is a lot of cords lol. I have the light, two powerheads, and now gonna be a filter. I have it all plugged into a power strip/timer combo thing. With the background on, you cant see any of the cords. Well besides the lights coming out the side. How do you like this light fixture? Do you have any corals under it or not yet?
not yet. i just barely got rock...maybe like 3 or 4 lbs....
im gona take some pics tonite and ill post em up.
i like the light, its pretty solid.
i cant wait to start adding corals...i gotta get a little bit more rock first and also the sand im using was dry sand and i seeded it with like 1/4 cup of sand from my 55.
ill probably give it like another week and do a couple more water changes and ill add my red mushrooms from my 55 to start. and get a handful of snails...
are u gonna have any fish?
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