Brand new 20 Gal

Pic's help but are not clear enough to identify. sea slug or nubibranch. keep eye on it and if coral reacts adversely remove it, other wise watch it. try a couple more pics. clarity if important more so than size. try to reduce pic size just a bit and increase clarity. good luck.
no idea.I would search for pictures(google) of John's ideas.If you still dont finf out if it is good or bad maybe remove(bag) it and see if your LFS has an idea
I am so excited. After much discussion, my wife is allowing me to build my own aquarium for the foyer hallway... I'm looking at 2' x 10' x 2'.. probably SW... and a shorter 2' x 6' x 2' FW on the opposite side or possibly bedroom...

Now that's a Valentine's Day surprise!
congrats. thanks for sharing the wonderful news. say why not two sw systems on could be for you know who. just a thought. wonderful news.
Yeah. I'm thinking of starting small and putting one right here in the study. Now I am wondering what the 90 gal are going for right now.
Well the final fish for the tank has been selected and procured. He is a very nice, sixline wrasse. The yellow tail gave him a bit of a hard time the first day but everything is fine now. I think it was just new guy syndrome. He really offsets the clown and damsel with body shape and color.

Does anyone know if the majority of the sixlines are ocean caught or tank breed? Mine seems to like to hunt on the rocks for food rather then the food that I am feeding the tank, and I was wondering if this might mean he was ocean caught???
The six line will help control very small snails, bristle worms, and small bethnic animals. so the fish is just doing what it does. as long as its food of preference is available it will feed on that, but, in time, or as the prefered food is depleted the fish will seek out substitutes. sounds good so far. nice choice. I will always have one my self maybe two this time around after system is well matured. good fishin keep us posted.
good choice for the last fish I like mine alot.Very cool eyes.It is good you made him the last fish.They can be very dominating to others.My fist 12 gallon nano I one with a fugi damsel.In one little fight the 6 line took a big chunk out of the damsel.Just watch the two fish in the same tank.6 lines like to wonder alot and if the damsel has claimed his spot there might be more trouble.
My Sixline wrasse died yesterday, I could not find a reason for it but sure enough when I got home yesterday there he was on the bottom of the tank. No visible marks on his body or anything that lead me to figuring out why.
could be ol yellow tail struck while you were away. hard to say. sorry for your loss. if you have a yellow tail damsel, you run the risk of difficulty in adding docile fish.
jhnrb said:
could be ol yellow tail struck while you were away. hard to say. sorry for your loss. if you have a yellow tail damsel, you run the risk of difficulty in adding docile fish.
I would have to agree here.You said they were fighting a bit also.If you like the
way that damsel look check out a Cherub Pigmy Angel.They are a nice blue body and yellow orange head.I am going to swap my coral beauty for one when I move.