Brand new 20 Gal

They are harmless and are a good sign. filter feeders.

SPIRORBIS SPP. Spiral tube feather dusters (spirobids)

-(6mm) 1/4" diameter or larger
-Tropical seas.
-small tanks and larger
-lighting immaterial
-feed on particulate organic material and phytoplankton. Probably survive on dissoved nutrients in many tanks.
-Easy to maintain and are harmless.
-These are the tiniest of the feather dusters and make their way into virtually all marine aquariums. Tubes are usually spirally coiled about 1 1/3 to 1 1/2 whorls and often first spotted on the walls of the tank. The minuscule crown is generally brilliant red or blaze orange, but tentacles are difficult to see because of their small size. Spirorbids are simultaneous, self fertilizing hermaphrodites. The larval period is short and the adults brood the larvae in their tubes. Juveniles exit the parent's tube and crawl a a short distance before starting to secrete their own tubes. once the tube is started they remain in place life. No special care is needed to maintain these harmless animals. eaten by copperband butterflyfish.

Hey john you were right they are spirorbis I found some pics online and they look identical. There are some other inhabitants I was wondering what they were. When I turn on the light in the morning (they are set on a timer but they don't come on untill 4pm) I find these little white-light brown things on the glass. They are rectangular bodied and move preatty fast once the light is on. They have multiple feet. That is about the best explanation I can give, they are only about a 1mm across and 1 1/2 - 2mm long. Any ideas?

I also found what looks like a type of star fish white and small with six legs.
And a small crab with a white body and pink/purple (coraline algae looking) legs.
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The Little Skirriers Are Either A Type Of Amphipod, Or Copepod. Natureal Food Source. Good Sign. The Star Needs To Be Identified Keep An Eye On It And If You Find It On Your Corals Take It Out. The Crab Definitly Need To Be Watched. If You Cannot Identify It You Need To Remove It Out Of Caution. If It Is A Procelin Crab It May Take Up Residence In The Bubble Tips. Hard To Say. Couple Good Picks Would Help. If The Crabs Eyes Are Red Take It Out Not Good.
new pics


New arrangement


tank again


my frog

Thanks everyone for your help so far!
Good stuff. Maybe your clown will claim the anemone. This will increase its chances of survival and over all health.
From what I have heard it is not likely that the clown will claim the anemone but there is always a chance right?

I was wondering what does everyone feed there anemones? Do I feed it seperately or just let him find stuff from the water? I got it for free so I am sure it is a very cheap type but I really love the look of it. I have head of people feeding them shrimp but that would be an expensive way to go in my opinion and hell if I am buying shrimp I am eating them. LOL
See the helpful artilcles I have just posted an article on feeding anemones. its a primer so not a lot of detail but I think it answers your question. also it appears your anemone is bleached. will be interesting to see if it reextablishes its real color. good luck. oh less i for get do not over feed the anemone. 3 time a week small amounts to start with. if it does not feed it is either wrong food, wrong size, or is not hungry if it is healthy.
Wow ! 90G FW?!!

Wow! You have a 90G FW tank?!
Did you make it yourself? What do you have in it?
Sorry. New. Love FW. My wife calls FW boring but I love species tanks.
I've been wanting to build my own large species tank for years.

:^: Houston
Clowns are funny my false tank bred perc shares a sebae anenome with my sbae clown.The fist perc I had used to host with a frog spawn I had(fell into the sand and bit the dust dont let this hapen to yours).So maybe it will host your frog spawn
I have seen and heard of clowns hosting with frogspawn as well. My frogspawn is a little small right now so I don't think he will try hosting to it yet. He is currently hosting with my finger coral and coral is not really happy about that lol. I can just hear him saying "Silly little fish leave me alone".

My anemone is actually eating the pellets that I am feeding the fish, is that normal? Whenever a pellet drops even near him, he reaches out and picks it up and eats it.

I was also wondering if anyone knew of any reef safe (small) variates of a few animals. Octopus, squid, cleaner shrimp, and some kind of lobster. Any suggestions would be appreciated.
Hey Houston,

Yes I have a 90G FW tank that has taken about a year to get to where it is today. It is a Cichlid tank with a variate of South and Central American Cichlids in it. Currently there is 1 each of the following, Tiger Oscar, Jack Dempsey, Brazilianese, Green Terror, 2 Golden Algae Eaters, and 1 Bristlenose Pleco.
Out of the list of octopus, squid, cleaner shrimp, and some kind of lobster.
In my own opinion just shrimps are good reef critters.Like skunk cleaner,peppermints,and blood shrimp(what I have),and several others.Shrimp are alittle reclusive though.I have heard lobsters will pick of snails,but some are soposed to be reef safe.Maybe a Blue Spiny Lobster. Most octopuss are poisoness and need a large home(cool but dangerous)and will turn most inhabitants into a snack.Squids I am not sure about but I would guess they will need a large home as well do to the size.This site has good discription and pictures
Well I guess those will have to wait for the bigger tank/tanks. LOL

I added 2 turbos and 2 Astreas tonight to help with clean up. I knew the crew was weak so this should be the last additions on cleanup and then there will be 1 more fish (tbd) and a couple more corals (also tbd).
Found the crab again

I managed to get a couple pics they are not great but you can see it. Anyone know what it is???



