Brand new 20 Gal

well i got some pics of it but for some reason the uploading is not working. Does anyone know if there is a problem with the server?
That is the problem I am having the upoad to the gallery is not working it keeps going to a white screen and the files are the right size.
Just uploaded this picture.Maybe you need to change some of you browsers settings.
Something apparently stung my clownfish last night. :frustrat: It was the weirdest thing I have seen in a long time. All of a sudden my clownfish shot to the top of the tank and was swimming around in very small circles, he then tried to swim to the bottom of the tank and was lodging himself under one of the rocks and breathing really fast. I did not expect him to make it through the night but he is still alive today when I woke up. I didn't see anything in the area that he was swimming before he shot to the surface. Does anyone have any idea? I know there isn't a lot to go on but I was wondering if there was anything I should be looking for?

I of course tested the water as soon as he started acting in the strange way and the water params tested perfect on all of them.
:shock: well the good news is that he is still alive :D I have that problem with one of my cichlids. It gets excited when traffic walks across its tank unexpectedly scares the :pooh: out of it :mrgreen: These are my :twocents: I know not to compare apples with oranges but this is what I observed with my cichlids................... :mrgreen:
it is deffinately not just getting scared something stung him he is lying on the bottom of the tank and his breathing is labored. I just can't think of what it could have been that did that to him.
arent you the one that has/had the aiptasia in your tank? If so those things can eat fish lol. One of those coulda jacked him up kinda bad.
Most clowns adapt pretty well to any kind sting from most inverts.The aiptaisa in your tank are pretty small aswell Your tank is new so there could be issues with oxygen in the water.Also some non tank bread clowns are more prone to parasites and disease.They can be fine and go into shock like you stated.They will lye half dead and then try get energy and take off to get some oxygen in there body.You said you are test the water conditions.Some times tests are and expired right off the self.You may want to get a water test from your LFS.Try get some more flow in the maybey a well placed powerhead or small pump.My 29 curently has 1 autorotating power head,1 regular one.1 protein skimmer and a hob(hang on the back) filter.To keep good flow and high oxygen contant.
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Our equipment may help you

We have self-made pH meter.
Easy Calibration.
Temperature Display.
Auto temperature compensation.
Dual Junction pH probe.

Hope the meter can help you.
Further info. You can email to me and I can give me additional information. [email protected]

Ricky Wong said:
We have self-made pH meter.
Easy Calibration.
Temperature Display.
Auto temperature compensation.
Dual Junction pH probe.

Hope the meter can help you.
Further info. You can email to me and I can give me additional information. [email protected]

Please start your own post
Thanks you were right he took a day or two to relax and then he was fine. I think he was lonely as well because as soon and i put my little royal blue yellow tail damsel in with him he came to life. Much more so then he was before he even got stung. The two of them swim around the tank together it is really funny to watch them. They are like the odd couple, the clown waddling around the tank and the damsel just majestically and effortlessly floating.
The Damsel is in the family of fish as the clown is.I hope the damsel works out.I put some info in your stocking post.Yellow tail are the least aggressive of the bunch but still trouble makers.Look for a pygmy angel(blue body yellow face)It will play nicer in the long run and help control hair algae.
Well first off I really like the damsel so I was hoping to keep him. I was only planning on putting one or maybe two other small fish in the tank that would get along with the damsel and the clown.

My new question is does anyone have an opinion on the Visi-jet protein skimmer? Since it is only a 20 Gal tank the unit is for up to 70 Gals I figured it would be a little overkill but that never hurt anyone (or did it?).

I was looking at either the Visi-jet or the Fission Nano. I was wondering everyones opinion on both or which would be a better unit?
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The damsel is your choice.They are nice looking but have always caused headaches.One even harassed and kill my a firefish I had.A six line wrasse would make a good addition.Check one out at your local fish if they have them. Well I know that Vsi-Jet a cheap piece of junk.Returned mine after the fist week.Bad build quality and performance.Fission Nano looks like its only 12 gallons or looking though.I also had prism skimmer that provided tea colored water in the cup(no good)I am using a coralife superskimer now.It is greatfor my small tank.A cup of dark skinmate every 2-3 days.solid build quality.Also has a buble trap on out box.$88 on sale here.
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Well Mini I took your advise and did not buy the visi-jet. I went out and got a seaclone 100 (which I got for $60) and put that in the tank tonight. I was just wondering on the adjustment I know you want dense foam but how long should it take to start getting some foam in the cup?

Thank you all for all your help you guys have been great!!!
1 To 10 Days Depending On Your Systems Bio Load. Others That Have Direct Experiance With That Particular Skimmer May Be Able To Help You On The Adjustment And How To Fine Tune It.
here some info found on the web.Also I read someware about some mods to make it produce better.
To quickly and accurately tune the SeaClone skimmer, one
should unscrew the stock air adjustment cap FULLY from the air tube
stem, allowing maximum airflow. When doing this, the bubbles stay in
the correct chamber, as the reduced current does not "drag" the
bubbles out into the overflow chamber and into your tank. Slowly
replace the cap/adjuster onto the stem, turning SLOWLY, * Notice how
all of the bubbles stay in the inner chamber, as the tornadic action
of the bubbles maintains a consistent shape at the base, promoting
upward flow in the desired collection chamber. Now adjust your
skimmer to desired action level. You should have absolutely no
bubbles flowing into your tank. Now you will get the most efficient
operation that the SeaClone 100 can offer!!
Hey everyone just thought I would upload some new pics of the tank and what is in it now.


The whole tank


My new finger coral


Close up of the coral



The frogspawn is doing well


My two little guys together


What are the green branch like things I am guessing they are algae of some sort but it doesn't look like any type I have seen before. They are like branches and they are really bright green, they look more plant like then traditional algae.


I also have some of these growing on some of the live rock they are some kind of plant it looks like they are redish and have flat leaves.

I also have something that has attached itself to the glass, it is to small to take a pic of right now but I was hoping to get an opinion on what it is. It is about 1mm across and it is white and is a spiral like a snail but it doesn't look like a snail. I has something that looks like the head of feather duster coming out of the one end. I was wondering how feather dusters reproduce.