So I scooped out a big bowl full of sand today. Didn't figure it would hurt since I've been messing with the sand so much lately. It is green outside the tank. It is not slimy, it is about 1/16 inch thick at it's worst, but once exposed to air it pretty much disappears. My understanding, in the most simple terms, is that it is a kind of cyano that is growing in the sand since it is where the nutrians are. It not on the sand because my water is very clean.
I'm returning to my no filter sock, no GFO, no carbon setup I used trying to grow Zoas. As much as it pains me to have dirty water. I'll be testing daily knowing me. Do you think this stuff will hurt my dragonette? If I just let it grow until I figure out how to raise my pH to 8.6! I may still do a sand swap. WWM suggested that I convert to a DSB. What are the feelings on this? I've never read good things about them. Only bad, but only the horror stories get posted.