Biffy Breeds Tomato Clowns

Congratulations! Time to resurrect the website thread as well. Have EliWhitney mock up a logo for you. Stop procrastinating and get this done already.
6 months after I originally started this thread, I am resurrecting it. In 3 weeks a new LFS is opening in town and has asked if I am interested in providing them with some of Biff's Famous Products.

:( :( :( :( :(

Biff you promised I would get the first pair, and now I have to go through a LFS! :grumble:
July 23 is the tentative date. Today, he had all the tanks in the store, was finishing up the plumbing, and was hoping they'd be filled with water by tomorrow (he has a 1400 gpd RODI unit in the store). He is buying the first batches of livestock next week. It's pretty big -- larger than SWSW's old Speedway location, but smaller than their current Oracle location.
It sounds great. We all know size doesn't matter :lol: It's quality that is most important. I hope he has his live stock Marked and Priced. I hate feeling like the prices are just made up when you ask, "How much is that one."
It sounds great. We all know size doesn't matter :lol: It's quality that is most important. I hope he has his live stock Marked and Priced. I hate feeling like the prices are just made up when you ask, "How much is that one."

There's a store about an hour from here that doesn't have anything marked. Every time I go in there I feel like I'm wearing a skirt and heels trying to get my car fixed for a fair price.
Hey biff. If your ever looking for copepod cultures hit me up. I have a culture going of Apocyclops panamenisis. a VERY tiny copepod that swims in the water column. smaller even than rotifers. I also have a culture of Oxyrrhis marina a dinoflagellate that will eat algae paste and can in turn be fed to the Apocyclops panamenisis thus making it so you don't have to culture phyto. It doesn't need light and doesn't crash.

Of course I see you'll be culturing phyto anyhow.
Not on a regular basis, but he did ask me if I'd be willing to fill in for him when he is in CA picking up livestock every once in a while. And I said yes, of course.

All you need now is a freezer full of dead game that you just hunted down and skinned, toss in a 'stache and aykseynt, and you are officially YOTE!
So what's the verdict on this Biff? Are you gonna try to sell just the Chaeto or are you gonna get other stuff into the store too?
I'm going to start up the clown breeding operation again, which means rotifers and phyto as well. But I have to wait til next week when I get paid before I can buy some things I need... :( I blew my tank's allowance this week on two things at the LFS. I had a coupon, dammit!!
I'm going to start up the clown breeding operation again, which means rotifers and phyto as well. But I have to wait til next week when I get paid before I can buy some things I need... :( I blew my tank's allowance this week on two things at the LFS. I had a coupon, dammit!!

In the mean time, 100's of baby clowns will die for lack of a good home :*(