Stop procrastinating and get this done already.
6 months after I originally started this thread, I am resurrecting it. In 3 weeks a new LFS is opening in town and has asked if I am interested in providing them with some of Biff's Famous Products.
It sounds great. We all know size doesn't matter :lol: It's quality that is most important. I hope he has his live stock Marked and Priced. I hate feeling like the prices are just made up when you ask, "How much is that one."
Not on a regular basis, but he did ask me if I'd be willing to fill in for him when he is in CA picking up livestock every once in a while. And I said yes, of course.
I'm going to start up the clown breeding operation again, which means rotifers and phyto as well. But I have to wait til next week when I get paid before I can buy some things I need... :( I blew my tank's allowance this week on two things at the LFS. I had a coupon, dammit!!
In the mean time, 100's of baby clowns will die for lack of a good home :*(