Biffy Breeds Tomato Clowns

Hey biff. when your up for it again. I found the THE breeding forum.

Marine Ornamental Fish & Invert Breeders Association • Index page

These people here are hardcore and are likely to have more correct information than any place I can find. I found loads of information on breeding mandarins. which apparently are very difficult to get to hatch out and grow out.

Each year they have a breeders challenge seperated into easy, hard, and even invertebrates.

FYI your breeding pair of tomato's ...if you were to put a sticker on them would say 300-400$ according to their marketplace. You might even be able to sell the fry.
Here is a cut and paste from the marketplace forum

Hey all!!! I have recently decided to downsize my operation a bit more, so lots of exceptional broodstock is up for grabs. All prices are negotiable, so send me offers! Also have lots of Juvies still that I need to unload!! Availability list is as follows:

1 pair (WC) breeding black onyx, beautiful, lays every 10-11 days, 600-700+ eggs in an average nest - $1000
1 pair breeding Clarkii, female very large (3 1/2-4"or so), lays every 9-10 days, 1000+ eggs in an average nest - $400
1 pair breeding Tomato/Cinnamon pair, very large pair, lays every 9-10 days, 800-900+ eggs in an average nest - $400
1 small pair super cool picassoesque SI Perculas that came from my SI Percula pair, not yet breeding, but displaying behaviour - $400
3 pairs large breeding black Ocellaris, not related, each lays every 12-13 days, 1 pair lays 800-900 eggs average nest and the other 2 about 600-700 - $1000 each pair
3 pairs breeding ocellaris, not related, lays every 9-10 days, 2 lay about 800-900 per average nest, and the other about 500-600 - $400 each pair
1 pair non-breeding ocellaris, not related, male had a battle injury so bottom jaw looks stubbed a bit (you can barely tell!), displaying behavior however - $150.

ALSO!! Have lots of juveniles including Ocellaris, black ocellaris, tomatoes, clarkii's and my infamous SI Perculas. Looking to give great deals, original prices are below, don't wait on these they will go fast!!

Ocellaris - $2.00 each
Black Ocellaris - $10.00 each
Tomatoes - $2.00 each
SI Perculas - $3.00 each
Clarkii's - $2.50 each

I am an excellent experienced shipper, I ship FedEx Overnight, (Standard or Priority, your choice), I have shipped 10's of thousands of fish and I can count my number of DOA's on one hand. I also throw in extras in each bag of juveniles. I have boxes that can fit 6 bags (up to 30 fish per bag depending on species). Send me your zip for an accurate shipping quote along with what you are thinking of ordering. I will try to get pictures up of at least the broodstock in the next few hours.
I saw the prices being tossed for pairs, as well as breeders selling batches of interesting fish. The gears started turning. Wonder if I could get an LFS or two to buy fish. I know of one in my immediate city that is set up and might take local bred stock if its cheap..and a few more only 30 minutes away. I better stop. I'm swimming into dangerous water if I let this idea get a hold of me.

It all started with my two mandarin pairs, then rolled into wanting marine feeders for my lion fish. My head hurts. Tell me getting into all this isn't a good idea biff....wait..why would I ask you to stop already got equipment to do just that..damn I'm
Money can help you forget a lot of things Biff. :lol:

No amount of money in the world will make me forget how difficult it will be to take out all my rocks that are covered in corals, just to catch two lousy fish that will no doubt find the smallest crevice in the tank to wedge themselves into, ensuring that I will never be able to remove them from the tank, ever, mwahahahaha!
6 months later...

I must resurrect this thread. Due to some interesting developments in the Tucson LFS scene (hint: In approximately 3 weeks, we will not longer only have one LFS in our entire city, another LFS is opening in town), I have been asked if I can supply baby clowns, phyto, rotifers, and of course, Biff's Chaeto to the store to sell. I said yes. Now I have to re-order my phyto and rotifer cultures and start all over again, and HOPE that the clowns don't catch wind of my plan and stop laying eggs again.
SILENCE, FOOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :evil:


I've seen paired tomato clowns going for $100 at the Den.Oh well,at least you can dream.
Paired and breeding are two different things. Paired clowns aren't necessarily laying eggs together. Breeding pairs go for $300 to $400 a pair.

This new store wants to buy any babies mine produce though. For a pretty good amount. And I can sell my excess phyto and rotifers in between broods. Oh well. We'll see what NDB and I decide. Since expanding my operation will end up taking over even more space in his 'man cave'. Hahaha.