Biff's Seahorse Tank

I thought horse's only ate live food such as shrimp,if this is true then how do you keep somewhat of a stock? I thought of doing like a nano in the bathroom just to hold food for them (as my wife has been after me sense I got into the hobby )to "help" her set up a seahorse tank, feeding has been my only reservation or as she say's "excuse") so far this build thread has helped alot.. By the way the PVC idea was "BRILLANT"...
Actually you can, and should buy, captive breed horses that have been trained to eat frozen. So feeding them is actually very cheap and easy!

And thanks, i though so too! I cant wait to use it one my own future upgrade
I hear that if you submerge your entire light fixture while it's turned on under water, it can de-ionize the tank. Is this true?
I hear that if you submerge your entire light fixture while it's turned on under water, it can de-ionize the tank. Is this true?


I checked it out on It's true. :D

I just got home from the LFS. I have a cooler full of sponges, gorgs, and leathers. Okay, A sponge, A gorg, and the rest are leathers. Christian is supposed to help me hang the new/old MH light tonight, to replace those stupid yellow LEDs. I haven't added anything to the tank yet -- they are still sitting in the cooler. The Mister is whining about how he wants dinner, so I've got to cook first, before we can get started on the tank. :grumble:

I checked it out on It's true. :D

I just got home from the LFS. I have a cooler full of sponges, gorgs, and leathers. Okay, A sponge, A gorg, and the rest are leathers. Christian is supposed to help me hang the new/old MH light tonight, to replace those stupid yellow LEDs. I haven't added anything to the tank yet -- they are still sitting in the cooler. The Mister is whining about how he wants dinner, so I've got to cook first, before we can get started on the tank. :grumble:

Tell him to make dinner himself :D

The pictures we want are more important!
Got some stuff for the seahorse tank today!

I ditched the lame ass yellow LEDs and instead hung a 75 watt MH pendant that I had in my shed.

I got 7 leathers, a gorgonian, a sponge and here's a FTS. The leathers are not opened yet. :( I guess this tank is going to be mainly leathers. I'll probably fill in the spaces with zoas. I plan on moving all the leathers that I have in my 90 over to this tank in the next week or so.










Wow! You got quite a bit of stuff. :^:

Yeah, they had so many leathers and were more than happy to give them to me for cheap. I can't imagine that leathers are really big sellers. I've never liked them much, but I guess I will have to learn to like them now. :lol:
I think with all the water changes that tank is going to need, the leather toxins arent going to be able to sit around and put out stuff before new water is going to be added.