Bad luck

He's about 3-1/2 to 4".Australian Copperband.

Yep Piggy,I'll do my best to get a better pic once he gets settled in.
Will do Reef.
He eats like a champ.Thats one of the advantages of helping at the LFS.I know which fish have been there the longest and are eatting.Not to mention,Ive had enough aiptasia to spring up lately to feed an army of copperbands.
Nice looking fish ya got there, Yote. Good luck with it. If anyone can keep one of those alive, I'm sure you're the man to do the job.
great looking fish Yote. All of mine have eaten, but for some reason just plain ol' die. I am thinking about trying another one. You may have inspired me to try one sooner. Great find.

-Dr Marco :sfish:
That's what happened to Redline's -- was eating fine, appeared to be normal, then just kicked the bucket unexpectedly one day.
personally, I think they are amazingly difficult fish to keep alive for any period of time, but we keep buying them, since they are only about $18 or so. I have learned my lesson with emperors. Not touch one for a while. Harder to lose a $100 fish than $18.

-Dr Marco :sfish:
that was a kind thing to say about reef and I. I look to you as a guide for this hobby. It is kinda cool to hear you say that.

-Dr Marco :sfish:
funny you should mention a Moorish Idol. I have been thinking about putting one in my 125. I have had luck getting them to eat in the past, but they are such slow eaters compared to other fish, they end up like copperbands for me. They slowly starve to death. It also matters where they come from. The ones from Hawaii seem to eat better than others I have tried.

-Dr Marco :sfish:
I always admire that fish but I never had the guts to try one.Go for it Doc,if anybody can do it,you can.Make sure will get lots of pics and techniques to getting it to eat.I've heard about there difficulties 15 years ago.In all that time nobody has figured out to keep one long term yet?
Yeah, I have heard the same thing. I got mine to eat angel and butterfly portions as it had a high sponge content. It would eat, but not fast enough to contend with the trigger that it was housed with at the time. I think it would do OK now, if I can get one that eats since I feed my angels so often.

-Dr Marco :sfish: