Another update


Reefing newb
Thanks for the great advice on food & lighting; the algae is under control and everything is good - I added a couple adult engineer gobies two weeks ago (such cool critters); today I added a flame angel - and the instant it was introduced, the cleaner shrimp bolted over, stuffed the angels mouth full of his tentacles and proceeded to give the new guy a full mouth workover.

Astonishing. The Angel went into a trance and just let it happen (this fish has been at the LFS for well over 3 months in a bare display tank and seemed grateful for the chance to get his mouth cleaned). Never seen the cleaner shrimp do this with the tang or the maroon clown.

So everything is going nicely... when the lights cycled off, though, the angel seemed very curious about the moon lights - he went horizontal (sorta like a bird will cock it's head to the side when it's examining something), he then straightened out, then seemed to be trying to jump out at the lights. Do these guys jump? We're having a (rare) warm spell in San Francisco (almost 80...) so I've had the Yote-solution fan blowing on the surface, but I put a glass cover over the top until I hear from you all about Flame Angels and jumping.

Sarah has suggested the egg crate stuff but I'd prefer not to use it unless I must...and if the flame is a jumper, then I must...
Yeah, eggcrate is a better choice than glass tops, especially if it's getting hot. Flames are not known to be jumpers. But that doesn't mean that yours won't! Cleaner shrimp are awesome to watch, mine constantly cleans the yellow tang. Which makes me happy, since tangs are prone to ich moreso than other fish. How about some pictures??? :D
well I have first hand on this one BIFF told me about the eggcreat stuff along time ago I got the silver stuff the light shines real good but the heat not as bad here in TEXAS we are at 100 to 105 HOT but my tank stays about 80-82 all day .... so go with this get the eggcreat
Happy to hear your tanks going good Kevin.
I put a Flame angel in my tank a couple of weeks ago.I've never heard of one going carpet surfing.But like anything else thats salty,you never know when your going to be surprised.

You say your having a warm spell? If 80 is a rare warm spell,I just might have to move out there.You reckon a redneck could get along with all them city folk?We just went through 2 weeks of 100+ temps every day with 50+% humidity.I'd love to see temps under 90 again.Wont hurt my feeling when we start getting days that dont go over 20.
Flames are not jumpers. I would not worry about that. Sounds like he is just getting used to his new surroundings and was curious. Nice pic BTW. I love flame angels. I have one in my work tank - great personality.

-Dr Marco :sfish:
I dont know if they're jumpers, but nice pic. Great looking fish and tank. Can we get a full tank shot?
Thanks for the pic. All the fish look great. So how long did you have to wait to get them all in the same pic?
Not too long - maybe 4 minutes? Took about 20 shots - that's the good one. The real challenge? Getting the Mandarin Gobies in the same frame (that's NEVER gonna happen)...