That is the fixture Yote and I have.We both have SPS and clams but I still say get a fixture with individual reflectors on each bulb instead of one U shape reflectors.
I would be very cautiouse of the coral banded shrimp.... Mine is so mean no LFS will take him..... he has killed atleast 200 dollars worth of livestock..... now his @$$ lives in the fuge!
As for the fish I would stop adding, a flame and a yellow tang is pushing it in a 55. If you ever caught ich there would be to much stress for them to overcome....just my opinion though.
Corals are what gives me a hard on! fish dont really do it for me!
He's such a creepy critter I'm gonna take him back before he does any harm. He never comes out anyway, and when he does he makes an entrance like a monster movie...
He's such a creepy critter I'm gonna take him back before he does any harm. He never comes out anyway, and when he does he makes an entrance like a monster movie...
The only coral I feed is the Caulastrea.I'm not sure if they need to be fed but I feed it when the lights are out and the feeder tentacles are exposed.
I would feed the caulastrea (at night when the feeder tentacles are exposed, like Freak said) and the frogspawn. My frogspawn, before it boiled, would take meaty foods in its tentacles. The xenia does not need to be fed.