air bubble on clown

sounds like your on your way of ditching the red algae already....water change, lights off ect. im not sure but i might have read somewhere that algae will happen more if the water is oxygenated alot. dont quote me but i do recall that somewhere.
Know what it is. Brooklynella.

I just did a freshwater dip and If it doesnt go away by thursday im goin to do another one but with 1 drop of formalin.
Ok fresh water dips help to relive some of the ich off the clown but it wont treat the fish.

If you dont think the fish can figh it off on his own, then you will need to remove him and put him in a quarantine tank with medication. Since its already been a day or two and he still has it, i would say, he is not winning the fight.

Dont put any copper medication in your main tank or it will be forever you have a second tank (10 gallon is enough) you can use to treat the fish in?
Sorry but i forgot before that you said he is eating. Dont worry about quarantine for now. As long as he is eating, he has a good chance to fight it off himself. Use some garlic when you feed him.

If he stops eating and you notice he is less active and probably breathing heaver, then you'll need to remove him as obviously he is not getting better. Is he still eating?
If your problem is in fact brooklynellosis I have had luck so far in treating it in a 10 gallon quarantine with QuickCure with has the active ingredient Formalin used for killing parasites in fresh and saltwater applications within the first 24 hours I can only see one to two dots left on each fish. What you need to look for on the fish is what looks like "powder" as if the fish were dusted with a white talc powder. If your fish do have brooklynellosis (Clown fish disease) then they will not get over it by themselves and must be treated. There is another parasite like brook that i cannot remember off the top of my head but luckily its the same medication so if you can, Walmart sells 10 gallons and petco sells Amquel for ammonia and try to clean those fish up with some saltwater medication that has formalin in it. To me that picture looks like a large clear parasite on his side once again same medication.
yeah I did a fresh water dip and he is still eating and active. I was going to wait and see if he is better tomorrow and if not i was going to give him another Dip but with a drop of formalin in it.
Well the fresh water dips will help but is not going to cure him. His own immune system will do that. The reason is that you can only keep him in fresh water for 10 mins or so. Thats not enough time for the medication to take effect. But it will help.

Good luck. Keep us updated.
I woke up this morning and he was very active. I fed them a little snack and they both were eating very well. I see no more signs on him, but I will keep an eye out for him.

Im getting another powerhead in a few days. Any suggestions on where to put it?
I'd put the powerhead in one of the back corners, aimed slighting upwards so that it creates a ripple on the surface of the water. If you aim it towards the front glass at a diagonal, it will create some nice turbulence.
Ive already got the powerhead thats on the tank aimed upward...but its at the top of the tank. I was going to put the new one below it and have it facing more straight because the stock one you cant move that much
haha im now starting 2 water changes a week. And putting another powerhead in prolly friday so it wont be able to grow there. Ive also got a poly filter in.
2 water changes a week really does work to get rid of the algae. I have been doing this for the last 2-3 weeks and my sand has been algae free for the last 3 days. Im really happy about this. I can already see the algae dying away from the back glass and rock. And my fuge is super clear with no trace of cyano. Im sooo happy you have no idea, ive been battling this for months now.

Just make sure you dont do large water changes if your doing it twice a week. I was actually going to do a water change once every other day but that was going to be too much so i stuck with 2wice per week.
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Im thinking maybe gal and a half each time.

Yeah Ive had my lights off for a few days and the cyano is mostly gone, but there still are traces left so im going to do the water changes to get that out of the tank.