aiptasias, deadly to fish?


Can these kill fish? I recently lost 2 fish and nothing makes sense. Water parameters were mint. 1 fish i thought was covered w/ ick, (white slimey stuff slowly covered his whole body) buy the other looked fine, ate fine, then 1 morning found dead, no white spots. I moved some live rock around and now several of these aiptasias are closer to where a fish could swim into them a 2-3 a pretty big, do these bother or could they actually kill a fish? thanks for any info, 56 gallon tank empty at the moment :/
Technically, yes, they can kill fish. But I highly doubt that's what happened. I mean, I've heard that it's possible, but I've never known anyone that says it's happened to them or heard a specific story of it happening. It's more likely something else. New tank syndrome?
Here's the story, trying make it short. Spiney box fish, had it for 6-8 months in a 29G. Was doin great, eating and growing like crazy. Upgraded to a 56 G. Did a bunch of water changes over a 3 week period and used cycled water to speed up 56 cycle. Bought another 20 lbs live rock, (cured) and slowly switched rock from 29 to 56. After 6 weeks water in 56 tested mint. Introduced box fish to new tank and went terribly bad. After 2 days showed sickness, after a week moved to a hospital tank w/ copper, a week after that he died. The wrase lasted 1.5 weeks longer in the 56 never looking sick then died. Scared to try another fish in tank now? Any suggestions? thanks again.

P.S. my 75G tank has been doing great for well over a year so not a complete noob.
Boxfish are very easily stressed, so just the simple act of moving him may have been enough to make him sick. I really wouldn't see anything unusual with that type of fish dying in normal situations that other fish can easily tolerate. I commend you for being able to keep it for that long to begin with, they are known to be very difficult fish.

What are all your water parameters checking out at? If everything is okay, I'd say start with one hardy fish. Do you have a plan for which fish you want to stock in this tank? If so, pick the hardiest one and go for it.
Yes, i acclimated it for 2, almost 3 hours because I knew they are difficult fish. The 56 was purchased for the sole purpose of the puffer till we bought our house and could get it something bigger, awsome fish, great personality, rest it's soul.
amonia =0
nitrite =0
nitrate = 15, maybe 20
ph = about 8.0
temp =76-78, have 2 thermometers

always used ro/di water from lfs. think i'll try a blue throat trigger or a cuban hog fish next. Should I let the tank run another month befor trying again or was it just the stress? thanks again everyone
I would let it run for a good month, and I would also keep doing water changes what is it going to hurt to have great water for your new fish.