So, do I have enough filtration?
I know that the live rocks will provide some filtration, both aerobic and anaerobic
All I got is the skimmer and the refugium right now. Seams like not enough filtration.
The powerhead and the canister will provide water movement. But, I'd really like to get that canister off. It's kind of in the way of my whole "beautiful reef" idea. :grumble: It won't fit on the back anymore, with the fuge hanging on the back too.
I am going to purchase another powerhead for water movement inside the tank. Maybe two more. If I get rid of the canister, I need a powerhead up near the surface to churn the surface and help with gas exchange. I think I should place another powerhead low in the tank to provide water movement down near the mid-level or even bottom of the tank.
Do I need more filtration?
Should I continue to run the canister and fill it with bioballs? It sure does provide a lot of water movement. Maybe put a sponge over the intake to prevent muck and goop froom entering the canister? I know the bioballs will produce nitrate as they break down the wastes, but shouldn't my refugium take care of that?
I took the rotting prawn out of the tank this afternoon. It was
REALLY starting to stink and my wife was complaining. I told her, "Honey, it
NEEDS to stink so the biological bacteria can grow." She wasn't having any of it.
My tank is full of microbubbles. They are just everywhere. Is this okay?
Take a look at it today and tell me what you think. That canister is pretty much in the only spot it can be in. I could swap the protein skimmer and canister locations-- -but it seams like 6 of one ............
Image of Tank - Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting
Image of Tank - Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting
Image of Tank - Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting