A Haiku for my new Project

I took out the wood
And put the tub underneath
It fits! Woo hoo! Hoo.

Have to go shopping
The blocks for it to sit on
Raise it up too high.

My blocks are too big
They are 8 inches in height
No room for a light.

Back to Ace Hardware
For something 5 inches tall
That will do the trick.
Crap, crappity crap
Bulkhead knocked loose while working
Underneath the tank.

Drip, spurt, gurgle, drip
Water draining onto floor
Saved by epoxy.
Eek Be Careful Biff
Thats a Big System to Spill
On your homes tile floor!

Bulkheads are Fragile
Plastic is Their Construction
Yoda talk is so Fun!

Haiku posts are lame
I think Im done with this thread
Poetry is dead!
Well, NDB came home and looked at the leaking, cumbersome mess I had created, and decided to scrap our evening's plans to start all over again from scratch. With the bigger tub. In half an hour, NDB accomplished what it had taken me 4 hours to do :shock:. We've let the PVC glue and silicone sit overnight, and today I'll put the finishing touches on it (move the sand over from my old fuge, go buy a new light for it, hook up the pump, cut an eggcrate lid). I'll post pics when it's all done!!

NDB's project is way better than mine was :(
biff sorry im late
i can not wait to see pics
hope it all works out

i want to breed pods
in dt they are not safe
pre fab sumps suck balls

but i have a plan
its ghetto as hell for sure
but at least its hidden

you're increasing volume
this should make doc pissed real good
glad you're encouraged

i was so depressed
to hear you were losing faith
im glad you're on track

Biff has a huge ego
she is desperate to win
the tank volume fight

The Doc doesn't care
what Biff and her man rigs up
to bring in a win

cuz his current tank
with angels, a shark and such
kicks her puny ass :Cheers:

with love and admiration,


I haven't quite finished this project yet. The week came and went, and now it's another weekend, which means I have time to finish it. I plan to get it finished today, and will post pics when I do.
Here is the update. Not 100% finished (I am temporarily trying to keep the "frame" on with duct tape; it's not working. NDB suggests C-clamps. Then it will be finished).

The DSB is around 8 or 9 inches deep. I recycled the sand from my old fuge and added a lot more. The fuge itself is 35 gallons. I have chaeto and (TOO MUCH) caulerpa in it. And a lonely asterina star I pulled out of my display. This is the only asterina I've seen, and it was cute and cuddly, so I spared it the porcelain waterslide.

The lights are track lights with plant bulbs. The track, plus cord, plus two fixtures were on sale and I got the whole setup for less than $10. From Lowe's, of course :D.

The water is pumped from my sump using a MaxiJet, and then exits the fuge via gravity through the PVC NDB put in the side.

And, I have pics. I know. What a rarity.



