6 hours...

i floated the bag for about a half hour and added a cup of water to the bag every 15 minuutes or so....i did this 3-4 times, i forget to be honest....the snails seem to be doing fine now....some still find there way to the top of the tank but they arent pulling themsleves right out of the water anymore.....they actually spend most of their time on t he live rock...which is why i got them, so im happy with them now. i'm still curious to know how quick nassarius snails grow? mine are so small right now and i used to have some a couple years ago that were at least 5 times the size.
there are two different size nassarius snails you can buy.
there are the small ones

and the big ones

also for successful snail acclimation it is best to drip them for upwards of two-five hours
well when i bought the snails they were listed as "baby" snails, but they do look like the picture of the smallest snail.....they look nothing like the big snail in the picture. However, the snails i had a few years ago were quite large but looked like the small snail too. i guess time will tell how big they get