5 gallon corner eclipse


Reefing newb
It's only been a week and I've already added an 8 pound rock. My LFS does a wonderful job on information and they have great stock. Hoping these pictures happen. I'm still working on getting the water movement right. I've tried a power head but it seemed to heat my water. I tried a sponge filter but it was really loud and didnt' seem to do that much. Still thinking about this one.



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Bobby, It's a Marineland Submersible Utility Pump 1100. I had it as closed as I could so the current wouldn't be too strong. I'm considering submersing it in a small container and using tubing similar to a sump.
Maybe it was just too big of a pump. I have never seen that pump so don't know for sure. Try a MJ 400. You should have to turn it down. Also by blocking flow you probably increased the amp draw of the pump which increased the heat.
Pretty little tank.
Might I suggest a Koralia Nano.Their rated for 240gph.I think it would be plenty for your tank.
Looks like it's going great so far! But I do have a little bit of bad news for you... That thing in the 4th pic, with the tentacles. Kill it. Seriously. It's aiptasia, a pest anemone, that spreads very quickly and will kill anything it touches. A very common, and harmful hitch hiker.
My buddy just told me about the anemone(s). Unfortunately there are about 8-10 of them on this live rock I bought. what's the best way to get rid of them? Help! :death:
Get a syringe and fill it with lemon juice or a concentrated salt paste. Then inject each one. You also should get a peppermint shrimp for your tank eventually. There's a very good chance that the shrimp will take care of any that pop up in the future.
Well, the peppermint shrimp have been in there now for 6 days. The first couple they just stayed hidden between the rocks. The second day two of them shed and I actually got to see one actually happen...sort-of cool watching another helping. I've added some pics from this morning with the shrimp working away at clearing out my aptasia anemones. From what I can see there's only one left of the eight that I did see. I'm hoping the palops I got will start to spread to my rock and then I could add a fish or two...I need to remember, it's only 5 pounds with 11.5 pounds of LR.


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Well, it's been almost a month of cycling and I now have my ph at 8.2 and salinity to 1.024. LFS says I should be good to add a fish. I'm considering a yellow tail blue damsel or goby or percula. I also still have the three peppermint shrimp but was considering seeing if my buddy would like two of them.

I've attached some pics as of today.

Thanks to all for your suggestions and inputs.



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