1st waterchange

Special Forces. That is a nice gig. In Iraq on our base we hung out with the SF guys (I dont remember which SF group they were). We played flag football against them every sunday. We whooped their asses most of the time though. But I have much respect for SF guys. I cant wait to go back for my second tour in Iraq in the beginning of 2009.
Thats the way this site goes ever thread has a sidetrack in it.

I was in the Army right of High School, I was a 31U(Signal Support Systems Specialist) then I tore up my ankle pretty bad and was Med-Boarded out. I think every kid that comes out of school should have to serve a minimum of 2 years(LET THE ARGUEMENT BEGIN)....JMO.
ha true that. I got do do a few mission with a sf unit while i was over there. I rember when we first got the dang whatever they called the new transports lol i forget their name all teh time, but the sf guys were already converting the air holes in the windows into gun mounts lol. it was crazy!
SF guys were always to anxious to get killed in Nam. Your life expectancy increased tremendously if you avoided them in combat. That and usually excessively patriotic. Mostly very intelligent and highly trained, just to John Wayneish for those you wished to return alive. Huge numbers of them died by trying to help children and old women who were almost always boobie trapped. No matter how many died in the same way, some SF guy would always try to help the seemingly defenseless child or old person. Do not know what to call that type of person. But if there own people would not touch a child laying on the ground I quickly learned not to touch the child. SF guys continued picking them up. I do not know. Maybe I am just to self centered. I did come back alive, where most SF guys did not.
its a sad world we live in! all we can do is try and make it better
Some times trying can be oh so frustrating. Seems like mostly trying to help those who keep trying to climb over a glass wall to see what is on the other side. Change first require one look at what is right in front of them, and few people like to do that.
Thats the way this site goes ever thread has a sidetrack in it.

I was in the Army right of High School, I was a 31U(Signal Support Systems Specialist) then I tore up my ankle pretty bad and was Med-Boarded out. I think every kid that comes out of school should have to serve a minimum of 2 years(LET THE ARGUEMENT BEGIN)....JMO.

Ryan, thats funny that you mention the 31U (all signal MOS' are now 25 series) I am going to attend MOSQ school, or AIT, at Ft. Gordon to reclass for my 3rd signal MOS as 25U (old 31U). The school is 16 weeks long.....ouch! 4 months away from home to reclass so I can get my promotion and then back to Iraq for me again shortly after that. When will it ever end....hahahaha. It's all good. I love this army shit.

I am Ft. Hood right now getting certified on the new ASV (armor support vehicle) similar to the Stryker. Those things are wicked. The only downside is that you HAVE to be a midget or leprachaun to be able to fit in it. I am 6'4" and 230 lbs. When you put on an IBA, ACH and other BS it takes like ten minutes just to get into the driver side.

It's cool to see so many veterans share the same hobby as myself. I had one guy in my unit in Iraq who was really big into saltwater tanks also.....so we had some good talks from time to time. Talking about saltwater fish tanks in a combat zone is a weird topic to most, but what the hell right.
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Hey IraqVeteran,

Have you considered any of the Warrant Officer MOS's? I was 25b (formerly 74b) before going 250N (Net Tech Warrant). Great way to go if your making a career out of it, which I am presume you are doing after 11 years of AD.

Either way, enjoy Ft. Gordon. I was just there last year for WOBC. Not a lot to do, but at least the weather is nice.
I have thought about going warrant. A few years ago I wanted to go warrant in aviation. I really wanted to fly AH64's (apache) but, it seemed way too long for schooling and training I decided against it.

Maybe I'll be a convert one of these days.
Ft Gordon is pretty boring place, have fun with the 3pm daily downpours! And the endless running around Barton Field(7 miles of red clay STAINS EVERYTHING) I had a great time their though those were the best days of my life(did I just say that, wierd). On the upside I found a bar that had Jagermiester on tap 5 bucks a glass!
I know about Barton field....it is a long crappy run. When I was there in 1997 for 25L school it sucked. I havent been there since. I was lucky to have been able to go to the accelerated 25Q course at Tobyhanna Army Depot in the Pocanos Mountains in Pennsylvania. That place was gorgeous. The depot was so hilly that it made for some great running. Lots of bears and deer on that post....yep I said bears. They were all over the place. I tried to get put in to go to that place again for my next school, 25U, but it was full; it would have been the accelerated course...only 4 weeks. Instead I have to go to Ft Gordon in October for 25U school for 16 weeks. That is going to suck royally. Damn, I just cant wait to be in a 16 week class with a bunch of newbie privates straight out of basic training. They better not make me do PT with them...afterall....I have 11 yrs in and a combat tour.
You won't have to worry about the PVTs. For the most part they stay in their own area. The only time I really saw them was on Barton Field. I still have the red clay dirt in my running shoes. By the way, if you decide to rethink Warrant, do it soon. You will need a waiver once you hit over 12 years if your on the Active Duty side.
but if i go warrant and if i only stay in for 20 wont i make less money? I can see that if I went warrant within my first few years of service it might have been worth it, but I think by the time I make E7 (which shouldnt take too long) i would make as much as a CW02 wouldnt I? I guess I need to take a look at the new pay chart. It would be pretty cool to be a warrant. I havent used my one waiver yet. I also know that at 16 years you cannot get any more bonus'.

My current 6 yr contract (got the sweet $15k) ends May 2011. That'll be 14 yrs service for me so I'll have to plan the next contract.
You wont have to PT with the AIT students but you barracks will be the same shitty ones as they have. Old as dirt and they suck. The fly boys have it made their! Have fun with the roaches feet pop with every step at night! Sick as hell
Not to continue too long taking away from "water changes", but I just spend over three months at Ft. Gordon last year (total of over four months in '07). I never had any problems with roaches, so maybe it has gotten better.

Personally, I enjoyed Barton Field, but then I was able to do my own running as a Warrant.

However, there is still little to do around Ft. Gordon. I did find a nice little county bar that had Jagermiester on tap. It had a pool room in the back. I don't recall what it was called though.

And now ... back to Water Changes:D
It's been 11 yrs since I've been there so I guess I'll see how it goes. I assume that PT will be my own thing. I shouldnt be required to do anything but attend the classes I presume. I hope that rank has it's priviledge.
Not to beat a dead horse but the roach thing was only a minor problem inside it was outside in the grass at night that it was really gross. Hopefully the dogfood plant and paper mill smell stays off base and in Augusta!
Not to beat a dead horse but the roach thing was only a minor problem inside it was outside in the grass at night that it was really gross. Hopefully the dogfood plant and paper mill smell stays off base and in Augusta!

Ah, the wonderful aroma of the paper mills ... nope, that still runs right over you at Ft. Gordon.:death:

Wonder if you would have to do more frequent water changes there, with all that odor in the air?:mrgreen: