180 gallons up in this!!!! NWKRC!

Well its little to late to add a canopy.The reason I didn't go with a canopy(not heat)was I seem to always buy corals they need to be fed.The doors do make it handy but not quite enough.Besides I don't think the lights would fit in a canopy without it looking odd.So what now.....corals and fish?
i know where you are coming from.... it is very hard to get at some spots of the tank withoug having to actually take the canopy off. I am going to get some more fish soon. trying to get an aptasia problem under control first. i have some that could litterally eat a small fish! corals are going to come for sure but i have to carefully plan what i do since Jack is a very clumsy swimmer i need to find some good spots and plan the type of corals. I also want a wee bit more liverock..... but due to jack again i am going to have to carefully plan that because a fish that big needs the full tank for swimming room so i can only build up certain spots. if i build up the sides of the overflow in the middle i should be able to slam some corals in there cause he doesnt really go over there too much.
rigo im not sure exactly what im going to do in this tank. I really want a mandarin goby. and im pretty sure my sixline is going to get thrown in there once i can catch that quick little bastard! he will have a hay day eating bristle wowms in there. you would not believe how many are in there. other than that i really have not thought too far. between trying to pay it off and planning my possible octopus tank for the 80 gallon and deciding what to do with all my fish my mind has definately been thinking ..... just not for sure on anything at this moment haha
ooh and i forgot to say that i also installed 3 computer fans wired into a laptop power supply on the backside of the canopy for more airflow from the lights . didnt get pics of this part..... but if its highly desired i suppose i could snap some shots :)
I got stupid drunk last night.... celebrating passing the EMT practical exam... I had Rando as a DDD (designated drunk driver)...... About 12 o clock I went out to my car to get some CD's little did I rember I wasnt driving. So long story short Ii was wondering around my GF's apartment complex looking for my car that was at house. While looking for my car I pulled off a 30 ft zig zag...... About 2:30 RANDO WENT DOWNSTAIRS TO SMOKE AND SHIT HIS PANTS ABOUT MY BEAUTIFUL ZIG ZAG!