1 emergency is fading but a new one is coming right at me

My salinity is about 1.024 now so I'll lower it to 1.022 over the next couple weeks.
Awesome tip on the garlic bifferwine, I'll do that from now on!
Update: been doing twice weekly water changes of 25-30 gallons. My last change was 56 hours ago and I just tested my nitrates. They are around 5 maybe a bit lower, so I've made a lot of progress. Hopefully in another week I'll get that beautiful pure yellow 0 ppm on my test.
The ich on the fish is improving for the most part. The clown, hawk, both blue cromis and the goby look perfect. The 2 Tangs and the angel still have it but are eating well (the angel is looking almost fat) I think I've lost the splendid psedocromis (haven't seen it in a week and when I dropped some raw shrimp in for the lobster neither it nor the snails touched it and I had to remove it the next morning.
My coral seems to be thriving. Just today one of my rose bubble tip anemones split! So now I have 5, although their, tentacles don't bubble anymore (if that makes sense) anyone have a guess why?
Also the water is clear from far away but up close you can see white specs floating all through the water, looks like sand but my sand bed is not being stirred up. They're not tiny air bubbles as they don't float to the surface. Is it possible to see the ich parasites in the water? Any other guess what it might be?

Sorry for the long book like post, just getting excited.