have no clue


Reefing newb
what i got going on. noticed on the back of my live rock and spot of Black velvet looking stuff. there is alot of it but im not sure what it is.idk if its good or bad. i have a pic on my phone, so trying to get it on the computer.
Sorry Its not a very good pic.


  • 20130518_204924.jpg
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The test i have is for PH, Ammonia, rite and rate. which are 8.1,0,0,0. its looks like that blue green cyano but doesn't look slimy. if it is that i guess im screwed.
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well it has a power head pretty much right on where it is. and theres enough flow in there. have a hydor 750 and 1400 . it the black stuff is almost right in front of the 1400. so idk
I seems to move with the flow but the hair looking stuff is really short. It had other stuff growing through it. Stuff that is everywhere on the rock. Plus i noticed some white shell looking things under the rock and i know those things are hard.