10 Gal Reef set-up

New corals! Any help IDing is appreciated.

Pics are from like an hour or so after acclimating them and putting them in. They started to open pretty damn fast! :mrgreen:


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Local reefer broke down his tank and was selling his clown for 10$. So I contacted him, and he came over with it. I bought it, and with him, he brought me (FOR FREE) some type of goby (will put pics up in a bit) and two frags of I have no idea what they are! But hey, for free? I'll take em :mrgreen:
Your first frag pictured is a generic zoanthid, kinda like Gorilla Nipples, but not close enough to really call them that....the second is Star Polyps....be careful, the star polyps will spread all over your rocks....your sandbed....your glass....your plumbing.....your dog....your car....(you get the idea)
nope...if you keep them on your sandbed they will start spreading a mat out over the sand and you can just tear a piece off, about like tearing a piece of sliced ham....If you put them on a rock they will start taking over and they are rather difficult to get loose from the rock....I recommend either sandbed or let them grow up the glass....then you can scrape them off the glass with a razorblade and tear the mat....
Brought the goby to the LFS for credit. The clowns in QT at the moment. Was thinking after QT I'll put him in the 55. Then I'll put the Neon Goby in the 55 too. And take the two small clowns from the 55 and put them in the 10g with the Yellow Clown. Also brought the new corals that guy gave me for free to the LFS and traded them in for a softer coral (I think). Dunno the name of it, so pic of it coming soon. Any help IDing is appreciated :).

He said one was a toadstool leather, and the other was a leather finger. I didn't really like the way they looked.
again....1 inch of fish per 10 gallons of tank....

I would also suggest that you research corals before you buy them...it's just a good practice to get into, then you will have far fewer oopsies over the long run....
Cool, thanks. And I know the 10g will be over-stocked. The new clown isn't coming out of QT for probably 4-6 weeks (learned my lesson with that neon -_-). Also, I keep thinking about getting rid of my firefish from the 55. Up in the air about it. My gf and son love them... but I'm not crazy about them. So, Idk. That would get rid of three fish from my 55. AND if I could catch that Pink spot watchman I'd get rid of him too. He likes to try and nip my tang as it swims by. So, we'll see how it goes. Might set a trap up and see what I end up catching lol.
Wouldn't your 10g still have ich in it since you took out your fish only like 3 days ago or something? So even if you QT your fish, ich will still be in your tank and you might as well not QT at all.
The 10g is fallow right now. And staying that way, this is all what's going to be happening after the QT time is over. Lol sorry, thought I was clearer on that. Nothing is going into the 10g except corals and inverts for now. (QT time is going to be between 4-6 weeks) So, by then all the Ich should be dead with no hosts for them to latch on too. (At least thats what I've been told so far >_>)
Don't listen to what people tell you....do the research yourself and you will end up a MUCH better hobbyist in the long run....