My duncan, 7 months later


Reefing newb
So I just wanted to share my experience with probably my 1st or 2nd most grown coral.
This first picture was taken about 1-2 weeks after I got it, and the second picture is almost exactly 7 months later. What do you guys think?

One main head, and the beginning of it's second.


8 heads total. Main one is on the right, and the second head that it made is in the back



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Love the duncans. I have a few colonies, and the first one I got had short polyps when I got it, and they have not grown out at all in 9 months. From pictures I saw of other duncans, I just assumed there are different types and some have longer polyps like your second picture. But are they all capable of growing that long?
LOL Its crazy how fast they grow. Mine actually started with 2 heads and a couple small tiny one starting and not i would say its over 15 heads and still growing and its only ben like 5 or 6 months since i have had it.
My duncan started with five and is up to over twenty heads less than a year later. I am glad they are a fast grower being one of my favorite corals.
Awesome, I am ascared of Non photosynthetic corals... feeding with light is easier than daily spot feeding.
Duncans are pretty cool corals. I have one. As someone else mentioned, there must be different types. Mine was in rough shape when I first got it but it's since sprouted 8 new the point where there just isn't enough room for more. Its tentacles stay short, loves eating mysis. I'm glad they stay short...I'm already at a space disadvantage I don't need crazy long tentacles haha