Escaping Nemo


Reefing newb
So I wake up this morning thinking dont have to work, I'm gonna go get the clowns for frag tank. So I get up do a water change on the frag tank get everthing looking pretty.

When.... I turn around cause i hear something splashing in my big tank, and low and behold. It was Nemo trying to escape out the overflow. So after twety mintues of netting the impossible. I waited patiently over the light and scooped his ass up and put him back in big tank. He didnt swim around too much at first till his buddy came and got hin. Now all smiles.

By the way my sons screaming the whole time. Daddy no Nemo get away!! :question:

Sorry pics are dark didnt wanta scare the fish more than I already did


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I have had that happen a few times myself, mainly with the chromis's. As long as they arent in there for a long time he will be fine.. :D
Poor little fool. When my clowns were little, one went down the overflow and and got suck in the pipe where my algae scrubber was hanging from. We had to drill a hole in the pipe to get him out. And the whole time my boyfriend who says he doesnt care for the fish was nearly in tears until he got him out.
My blenny got herself stuck in my HOB overflow earlier this week. Totally freaked herself out and wouldn't swim in the opposite direction to get out. I had to dump the thing out (foul water and all) into my tank and she took off into her hidey hole on the opposite side of the tank with her scaredy stripes on, breathing really fast. Totally traumatized for a few hours, then was back to normal by the evening happy as a clam! Silly fish! Glad you got your guy back!